XXIV - out of the doubt that fills my mind

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ISADORA TREMAINE HAD HALF A MIND to wander out into the halls outside-dressed lavishly as she was for her engagement ball-to search for the audacious man who had approached her son so blatantly. Her heart was terrified inside her, and second by second she was trying to calm it as though it were a frightened bird, ceaselessly shuddering.

Watching Archie being adjusted into his suit, his hair being brushed by Lucy's careful hands as the boy looked like a little gentleman, Isa wondered if she would find the man who had approached him if she ventured out. She tried to convince herself that there was no merit to the stranger's words, she tried to tell herself that he was but a mere fool looking to wreak unrest at the occasion-a hater.

Surely, the news that the King of Angria was to marry a woman from Toulouse from Kingdom of Valence, with an adopted child of her own, with neither of them of royal blood or even nobles-surely such a thing would tear out rebellious people and pour venom into their tongues and hearts. Isa had expected such a thing of course, she had expected what the claims against Archie would be, but that had all settled her heart when Zander had promised he'd make Archie his heir and raise him as his own. After that promise, Isadora hadn't given a second thought to any other claims against Archie.

But to have someone approach her son-even as a thoughtless jest-to lay pretentious claims to be his father? That was unsettling. It was traumatizing.

Isadora wanted to be rid of it-the feeling, the man, his words. She wanted it all to erase itself, but since it wouldn't, she felt the restlessness in her bones to do something about it.

Her feet kept wanting to sweep her to the halls outside, to search for and approach the blatant stranger and demand of him what she was being urged upon by her fury. But she held herself back, feeling the cream beautiful gown she wore and catching her own reflection in the looking glass.

This night was hers and Zander's. This night was a dream she couldn't have ever had the guts to dream of-even as a careless young girl with Ruby Alderidge as her companion. Tonight Isa would publicly be engaged to the King of Angria, and everyone in the kingdom and those beyond would know of it-know of her. But to have a stranger's foolish jest touch her resolve on this night of all nights, she wanted to curse at herself-to shout at herself for letting someone else make her lose sight of what mattered to her the most.

As Lucy fussed over Archie, brushing and styling his curly hair as she rubbed a bit of grease on his head to tame his locks, Isadora thought of the fairy godmother.

The elder woman had found Isa two days ago, and assured her-in the fairy's strangely unorthodox way-of her marriage to the King of Angria. Isa had been assured she would become Queen, all because the fairy godmother and the other four fairies had found it prudent to look into the future for they feared an incoming war.

"You can control King Alexander Casimir of Angria."

The statement readily rushed into Isadora's mind, clad in the fairy godmother's thick and slightly anxious tone the night she had spoken them to her.

Her heart shuddered at the impact of the words, had she even truly registered them before? What could the fairy godmother possibly mean? Zander listened to her, yes, but-

"I will only ever agree with what you decide upon from now onwards, Isadora, nothing fucking matters to me more than your contentment and approval. I need you to understand that."

Isadora exhaled softly as Zander's earlier spoken words pounded into her head, adamant and demanding. He was going to be her husband, despite his utter compliance and respect for her, why would she ever want to control him?

𝐀 𝐒𝐖𝐀𝐍'𝐒 𝐋𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐁𝐘 - Cinderella AUWhere stories live. Discover now