XV - i've always been the easy kill

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THE CHATEAU APPEARED INTO VIEW AMONGST the damp French winter scape of this part of Toulouse, the village left on the horizon behind like a written love letter still lingering at the edge of some lovelorn's desk, unstamped, unenveloped-always reluctant to be dispatched.

The sun had set now, coating the sky in a slowly growing darkness.

But the sight of Isadora Tremaine's home, after that arduous confrontation with Samuel Harrison at Hutton and Sons, brought no expectant relief, for there, on chateau grounds, right in front of the building entrance, were four unfamiliar mounts being held at the ready by three uniformed stablemen-cum-groomsmen. Only one of the men's uniforms bore the colors of the Kingdom of Valence, while the other two men were adorned in similar yet unfamiliar colors.

"It appears we have guests, mistress," Lucy let out as she efficiently controlled the horse drawn buggy as their small party-consisting of her, Isa and little Archie-pulled up in front of the chateau entrance as well.

The visiting mounts-magnificent and large beasts that made Isa's four year old gape with awe-shifted in discomfort as the buggy pulled up to a stop behind them.

The family horse-named Major by the late Baron, Cinderella's father-appeared quite old and sickly in comparison with the radiant breeds with glowing manes and skin.

It seemed that Major noticed his shortcomings, for his too seemed to become at once irritable as the chateau gardener-who shared stable boy duties for lack of proper staff at the chateau-took his reins and let him away to the dilapidated stables beside the chateau buildings once the party had gotten off.

Isadora peeled off her gloves as she walked inside the chateau, past the radiant mounts as the groomsmen kept their gazes low and forms alert.

"Archie, darling don't," She called swiftly to the little boy as he made to attempt to touch the closest horse when they passed.

"Yes, Archie," Lucy started, gently taking his hand and steering him away, falling in step behind Isadora's frame as they walked.

"We don't know if they are friendly like Major is."

Frowning briefly, Archie nodded as the argument made sense in his head, and only then, it seemed, that he considered the horses' heights and initial largeness.

"Who's horses are they mama?" The boy asked curiously.

Isa stretched out her ungloved hands, her palms had gotten damp after constantly being clothed, and now the coldness in the air seemed to burn her damp palms.

"I don't know yet, darling," She spoke, keeping her eyes fixed ahead as they walked deeper into the chateau and soon came face to face with the foyer.

"Perhaps, grandmama has guests."

With full intention to ignore those guests, regardless of the possibility of them being royals, Isadora held up her skirts slightly as she started climbing the staircase, to make her way to her room upstairs.

Archie jumped up the steps, as Lucy held his hand to make sure he wouldn't fall.

Perhaps Cinderella had come to visit, Isa thought then.

It wouldn't be unlikely, considering the fact that the girl hadn't probably yet briefed her new husband and father-in-law on the intricacies of the battered relationship she had had with the Tremaines. Or maybe, the girl already had.

After all, it had been a more than a month since Cinderella had begged Isadora to attend to her. The girl was married now, and who's to say that she hadn't still told-

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