XVIII - with that fervor in your eyes

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THE SUNLIGHT WASHED INTO THE BEAUTIFUL chambers through the translucent and sheer curtains, illuminating the hardwood floors of Isadora Tremaine's room in this foreign palace. She stood by the tall windows that led into the gorgeous balcony with intricately designed balustrades that she could've only imagined in her dreams.

She contemplated crossing over and stepping into the sunlit balcony, feeling the air of the foreign kingdom thread through her hair and caress her skin. But she feared it would be too bold to be seen at the balcony from below by whosoever that happened to be passing by on the grounds. After all, she was a guest, it wouldn't do to appear into sight like that instead of leaving the room fully and venturing out to greet the hosts.

But, this was a palace, and her hosts were royalty. Surely she could not just barge into whatever private moments her hosts were having to themselves at this time of day just to announce her gratitude for the night past and audibly dwell on their courtesy in the most elaborate of terms. Surely, that would be unorthodox.

Biting the inside of her cheek, Isa dared to cross propriety and stepped through the tall windows Lucy had opened for her when she had awoken, and crossed into the balcony.

Thank fully, the grounds below were vacant, and there was no one walking in sight. The air was cool and sharp, but not enough to bother or hurt. Dressed in an intricately designed and embellished purple gown, her hair pinned in loose curls at the crown of her head, Isadora still felt shallow at the sight of the stunning blooming gardens on the grounds below as she approached at the edge and her fingers slowly clasped the cool balustrade.

The air, as a result was a wonderful concoction of every flower she could distinguish from sight alone, and more that she couldn't. Her heart seemed to stop beating the sight of all the colors infused below.

Back at the chateau, they couldn't afford to have a proper garden at all. The gardener who worked in the Tremaines' employ had worked at the chateau since the late baron-Cinderella's father-was a child, and thus he refused to leave even if he got no pay to stay. In aftermath of that, the chateau gardens were merely an overgrown display of the family's gritty allowance, with the gardener tending to it whenever he felt like he wanted to.

But this was something else. This was unlike anything Isa had ever seen before. Having arrived at the palace five hours ago now, she had been so overwhelmed that she hadn't taken much time to steep in her surroundings. But now she was refreshed, having had some sleep and the refreshments that had been sent to their room as part of Queen Ariana Casimir's welcome.

Archie snored softly in the bed behind her in the room, and Isadora glanced at him briefly, to find him turning to his left but still sleeping soundly. It was an hour past noon now, the sun was still dominating the sky, though it's wrath was soft and at mercy of the clear light clouds that were bent on scattering themselves harmlessly in the sky-determined to deter the sun, make it weak.

"What affliction do you have?"

Queen Ariana's words infiltrated Isa's mind then, from her conversation when she had shown Isadora, her son and Lucy, to their designated guest chamber.


"Something must be the matter for you to still be un-betrothed," The woman had asked, her heavy tone full of genuine curiosity and not contempt-something that Isa had found unnerving. If there had been contempt, then at least the girl would know how to feel. At present, she wasn't sure at all.

"You are beautiful-quite despairingly so," The Queen had mused then, as they had walked through gleaming hallways with the Casimir family ancestors gazing down at the passing party from the haven of their gilded portraits adorning the high walls.

𝐀 𝐒𝐖𝐀𝐍'𝐒 𝐋𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐁𝐘 - Cinderella AUWhere stories live. Discover now