Chapter 28 ❂︎︎ Stronger Than Words...

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Chapter 28, Stronger Than Words Jareth's POV

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Chapter 28, Stronger Than Words
Jareth's POV

Jareth felt badly that he had not warned Sara about his ex -girlfriend Faresta was going to be worse than King Fairy. He had a feeling Faresta was out to stop the wedding. She already upset poor Sara.

Jareth could not stand to see Sara in any pain. They were not allowing Faresta to attend this wedding. Jareth would make certain of this. He would have a talk with Sara's mother about it.

No one was going to stop him from marrying the woman of his dreams and desires. And that woman was Sara! Jareth was waiting for Sara's mother to stop by while Sara napped.

Sara was getting over those horrible pains she endured the day of her party. Jareth had been watching over her. And taking care of her all day long.

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"Jareth, I am a very busy lady! What is it that is so urgent that I come talk to you? I know Sara was feeling ill is she alright?" worries her mother as she comes in the room.

"We need to talk about family. Whom should not attend this wedding event. I will make sure they do not ruin Sara's big day!" he explains things to her.

"My family will all be there! Everyone is welcome what on earth are you even talking about?" groans her mother.

"Faresta, that's whom!"
"What has she done?"
"She upset Sara yesterday"
"I was there. I saw. She would not ruin things"
"She will ruin everything!"

He was getting no where fast. He had to make her understand things. Sara would not want her there. He did not want her there either. Faresta only wanted to be there to ruin the wedding day!

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"Do not allow her to come! Understand me?" He says sternly to her.

"Fine! Fine!" grumbles her mother. "I will go call Bea now and let her know'"
"Bea can come. Faresta may not!" he reminds her before she leaves.

"Jareth, was that mother?"
"Sara you are awake, how are you my sweet?" he asks as he rushes to her side. He holds her than kisses her lips.

"I am better all thanks to you! Why was mother here?" asks Sara.
"I explained to her I do not want Faresta here at all for our wedding day! She's out to ruin us!" he explained. "Your mother agreed to"

Sara nods looking refreshingly relieved then snuggled up to him placing her head on his chest for a moment. He smiles and rests his head on top of hers. Loving all the attention she was giving to him.

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