Love Letters (Yoongi x Reader)

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"Y/n you sure you are going to be okay while I'm gone?"

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"Y/n you sure you are going to be okay while I'm gone?"

"Yoongi, the first part of your tour only lasts 6 weeks. I'll be fine."

"I know but I still feel bad. I was hoping you could come with us."

You wrap your arms around him, "I know but I have to finish this project. If I finish it while you're gone then I can travel for the next and longer part of the tour."

He buries his head in your neck, "That's true. But still, I'm gonna miss you like crazy. How am I going to put up with the 6 of them without you?"

You let out a laugh, "You have done it for years before you met me."

"But now I have you."

"They aren't that bad."

"Because they are different around you."

You just laugh, "Stop being so whiny. It's six weeks. I think you can handle it."

You feel a sharp bite on your neck, "Hey!"

"Don't be mean."

There's a knock on the door and Yoongi lets out a sigh, "That's my ride. I can't believe it's time for me to go already."

"Go have fun. You have worked so hard for this!"

He pulls away and gives you one long last kiss before pulling away from you completely.

"I love you." He whispers.

"I love you two my grumpy cat."

He rolls his eyes, "I'll call you when I get to the hotel."

"I'll make sure to answer."

"If its late don't."

"Listen I'm going to be without your for 6 weeks. If you call you bet your sexy ass I'm going to answer I don't care when it is!"

He laughs and gives you one last gummy smile as he leaves your apartment. You heave a sigh as you flop onto the couch, you have the rest of the day off from work, so you decide to just snuggle on the couch and watch some K-dramas.


The next morning you are drawn awake by the sun shining in through the big window in your living room. Shit! I fell asleep out here.

You frantically check the time on your phone and realize that you still have plenty of time before you have to start working. Thankful that you can work from home on this project, loving that you are pretty close to being your own boss but you still have to get shit done on time.

Stretching as you sit up on the couch, deciding coffee is the way to go first before getting a shower in.

You reach up and pull the coffee down and something flutters in front of your face and lands on the counter in front of you. Starting the coffee pot, you decide to turn your attention to the envelope that landed on the counter. Flipping it over it reads, Love.

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