Chapter 13: 💃Dancing with Pirates pt.1⛵️

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"Any luck?" Evie asked, a hopeful look on her face when Nevaeh returned.

"No. Honestly, why are we even here?" The ebony princess asked, only to earn looks of disbelief from the others; Jay let out a scoff.

"Are you seriously asking that?" Evie questioned.

"Okay, I understand that she's you guys' friend, but she's not mine. Also, she's being really selfish, running away like this and putting us in danger, all because of what-idealistic views that no one told her she had to fit? Honestly, if she doesn't want to go back to Auradon or be in Auradon, then fine, some other vk, who I'm sure would be much more grateful, would be happy to take her place." Nevaeh sassed.

"You don't mean that, N." Carlos said.

"No, no, I do." The former nodded her head before she took a look around, her brows furrowed in confusion.

"Let's give her a couple of to cool off." Jay said softly to Evie.

"Guys! Where's Ben?" Nevaeh asked, worried. This causes the others to notice the absence of the said king.

"Ben?" They called out. A shadow appeared in the depths of the alleyway, making them look in its direction.

"Ben! Ben, don't us like that." Evie sighed in relief. However, Nevaeh-who has been around Ben long enough to know his physic, could make out that this shadowy figure wasn't him. Coming closer into the light, the gang saw that it was none other than the son of Captain Hook, Harry.

"Don't you? But that's my specialty." Harry grinned, the gleam in his eyes an indication of his off-the-rocker personality.

"Harry." Nevaeh breathed out, shaking her head.

"What did you do with Ben?" Jay demanded.

"Oh, uh, we him. Mm-hmm. Yeah. And if you want to see him again, have Mal come to the Chip tonight. Alone," He pointed at the group. "Uma wants a visit." He explained, grinning before turning to Jay, a mock pout on his face.

"Aw, Jay. Seems like you've lost your touch." Harry taunted, causing Jay to lunge at the pirate.

"Jay!" Evie said warningly, as she pulled him back.

"Hey!" Harry exclaimed at Carlos, only earning a slightly narrowed gaze from Carlos. After that encounter, the crazy pirate walked away, whistling a tune as he went.

*Time skip*

*Nevaeh's pov*

We were all back in the apartment, having just told Mal the situation and the demands Uma has requested be met.

"If you guys never would have him here, this never would have happened. What were you thinking?!" Mal said, her voice low before rising as she went. I raised my eyebrows in disbelief.

"What were we thinking? What were you thinking?! Thanks to your selfish tendencies, Ben saw you running away as his way of failing, and because of him being the kind-hearted person he is, wanted to bring you back. They," I gestured to Evie, Carlos, and Jay. "Wanted to bring you back." I spat, glaring at this stupid person in front of me.

"Ben was come with or us. We just wanted to him." Evie added.

"Yeah, and we completely blew it, guys." Jay pointed out.

"Okay! Okay. So, what are we do?" Carlos asked.

""We" are not anything. This is between Uma and me. And she's a punk. And what? Now I have to go get him." Mal shot. I felt my shoulder shake as a laugh escaped my lips, and I looked to the side to hide my smile.

"What? What's so funny?" Mal questioned, glaring at me.

"Just the fact that you called Uma a punk. I find it very rich, amusing, and ironic coming from the girl who displayed punk-ass behavior in her relationship, rather than just communicating properly like a normal person, and is also the person who decided to run away when she "couldn't handle it"." I smirked, looking at my nails.

"Maybe we spend less time at each other's throats, and more time coming up with a plan to save Ben." Evie suggested, her voice calm despite the deep glares she was shooting at me.

'Why am I not surprised? Of course, she'd side with Mal over me.' I thought to myself.

"Mal, you're have to go Hook and his rats." Carlos said.

"Yeah, you're gonna need us." Jay confirmed.

"Uma said to come alone." Mal repeated.

"Mal, come on." Evie pleaded.

"She said to come alone." Mal reminded us.

"I know one thing. I'm not going anywhere. We'll be here when you get back." Carlos reassured, setting himself down on one of the couches.


A/N: Heyyy yall! Here's another update on Nevaeh's life.

Honestly, my girl is so fr with everything she says in this chapter. And lowkey, I'm done with Evie siding with Mal and just both of them together. Evie, what Happened to uuuuu? 😭😭😭

Anyway, hope you guys like this. Stay tuned.

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