𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚜𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗, 𝚊𝚌𝚝 𝚘𝚗𝚎

47 5 0

We Capture A Flag


Hey, What's With the Maiming? It's the Only Rule!

third person omniscient


"OW." STELLE MUTTERED as she got spiked in the face for the nth time. She wasn't bad at volleyball, just... much worse than Ethan. The guy was a demon, with a whip-fast spike.

Ethan smirked at her from the other side of the net, getting a weak glare from the other girl. "You tricked me into this." She muttered, kicking the sand.

By the time they finished playing, the other Hermes kids were off to their morning classes, all of them heading the same direction. Ethan, however, stuck behind. He put his hand on Stelle's shoulder and patted it awkwardly.

"Thanks for playing. I had fun."

'I didn't.' She thought.

"Sure, anytime." She lied through her teeth. She'd suffer the consequences later. Now Stelle was the only Stelle that really mattered.

"I appreciate that." Ethan said, "I'll see you around?" He eyes flicked to the departing Hermes cabin that trekked through the grassy plains. He was going to be late.

"Yeah, see you."

All in all, Stelle quite liked camp. She had made a few friends, had yet to be bored, and ate well. The view was always nice and she learned basic skills.

One thing she was off-put about was Luke. When he whispered, he aimed for the heart, not for the ear. When he smiled, he aimed for the soul, not for the eyes. She couldn't place it, but he was trying to be in control, every time.

He acted like a puppet master, though spoke like a puppet. This boy was no doll. This boy was a playmate.

A good one or a bad one, she would have to see.

The next few days, she and Percy had settled into a somewhat natural schedule (as normal as it could be, anyways). Each morning, they'd take Ancient Greek and Latin from Annabeth, which often times turned into a 'swearing in foreign languages' class.

"What the fuck do you mean by 'futuere, caput stercoris'?!" Stelle demanded, throwing a pencil across the room.

"It's a phrase for only the finest of warriors!" Percy said indignantly.

Annabeth frowned. "It's a little crude, but I think he said 'get fucked, shithead'."

Stelle banged her fist on the table. "C'est des connenes! That's bullshit! You're a moron, Percy!"

Percy kicked her chair, which only made him go backwards. The leg caught the floor, excess force making his chair tip over.


Annabeth's eyes lit up. "Yes! Thank you! You finally got a word right."

"You know what? I hate all of you." He decided from his spot from the floor, staring up at the ceiling with a resigned expression.

Right, Ancient Greek and Latin wasn't too bad. At least they were learning something useful. Percy could even stumble through a few lines of Homer!

The rest of the day, they'd rotate through outdoor activities, trying to figure out what they were good at. Chiron tried to teach them archery, but Percy found out pretty quick that he was no good at it. Stelle wasn't half-bad after a little practice, but definitely not a prodigy.

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