𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚘𝚗𝚎, 𝚊𝚌𝚝 𝚘𝚗𝚎

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Percy Accidentally Vaporizes his Pre-Algebra Teacher


Beware of The Pen, It Turns Math Teachers Into Gold Dust (That You Can't Sell)

third-person omniscient


ESTELLA COULDN'T HELP but feel pessimistic when her day started with Nancy Bobofit. Of course, she had to be the devil on a field trip. As she stared ahead, perfectly composed and graceful, the wonderful screeching of this red-headed amalgamation of rudeness grated her ears.

Her newfound friend, Grover, was being pelted by bits of peanut butter sandwich (which Estella couldn't help but feel repulsed by). Nancy Bobofit cackled ugly from behind as Percy let out a low sound of outrage.

Grover was a nervous person. His nature was unnatural for the typical anxious classmate, but perhaps Estella wasn't one to judge. She couldn't help but feel bad as he was hit by the disgusting lunch.

She felt equally as bad that she was valiant enough to be sitting near him, as sandwich pieces kept flicking into her hair. Her perfectly styled hair. Perfectly styled. She would sound incredibly hateful if she told Nancy to have better aim.

Grover didn't deserve that, so she kept her mouth shut. She had more control over her emotions now, but it was still incredibly annoying.

Percy diligently picked the food off of Estella (she wasn't going to touch it). "Don't worry, Grover, Stelle. I'm gonna fucking kill her." He said sourly.

Stelle automatically responded. "Don't do it, Percy. The school is already keeping an eye on you."

'Do it, Percy,' she thought privately, 'it'll be so satisfying.'

Poor Grover agreed hastily. "Yeah, it's alright. I like peanut butter." He dodged a sandwich piece that ended up splatting the seat in front.

It wasn't Grover's fault he was an easy target. He couldn't hold back tears of frustration, meaning people always got an entertaining show. He was disabled, and walked as if every step hurt. That didn't seem to stop him on enchilada day, though.

The peanut butter got onto Stelle's clothes. Estella cringed as Percy swiped it away before starting to rise from his seat.

"That's it." He mumbled darkly.

She didn't try to stop him.

Grover, however, stressed out and pulled him back into the seat. "No! Don't! You're on probation, remember?"

Estella remembered. She had talked her way out of it, but Percy, ever slow on the uptake, had blurted that Nancy Bobofit, in fact, deserved having gum in her hair.

Though Bobofit was devil-spawn, she didn't want Percy to deck her and  get in trouble for it. She gave him a look, which immediately quelled him.

"Percy." She warned lightly, just serious enough so that he would understand. She barely looked away from the window.

"Alright then." He said, still upset.

Percy would do what Stelle wanted him to.

Mr. Brunner lead this field trip. He sat in a wheelchair, narrating about Greek steles. This particular one was a grave marker for a girl their age (happy topic, she thought scathingly). The depictions were really cool, Stelle could admit.

Percy and Grover looked interested, too. That made her feel better about enjoying old amphoras and strange statues. Of course, something soured her mood. Mrs. Dodds, the other chaperone, gave them the evil eye when they talked too loud or looked at something too long.

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