jake webber - idk wtf to title this

206 3 15

erm imagine y/n is dating jake i suppose and it's their anniversary?? idk I'm running out of ideas 😭
y/n - ur name
pov - point of view
enjoy 😵

I made my way to my car after my shift had ended and i sat in the driver seat, sighing as i relaxed.

Finally, i get to go home.

I started my car and locked the door before checking my phone to see if i got any messages, specifically from jake.

Today was our one year anniversary and I'm starting to wonder if he forgot.

I had woken up this morning and he was already out of bed- hell, he wasn't even home. I checked the usual places he would be, the kitchen, living room, and yeah that's kinda it, and he wasn't anywhere.

So, i had gotten ready for work and left. Before i came to work, i went to the store to grab some things for our anniversary, that being just a rose and a card. Being me was totally a gift enough.

I put my car in drive and began to go home, blasting some sort of rock music along the way.


I pulled into the driveway and still saw no car.

Where is he? Did he actually forget..?

I got out of the car, taking the rose and card with me. I unlocked the door, closing it behind me as I walked in.

It smelled like cupcakes.

Is he home? Am I going insane?

"Jake?" I called out as I took my jacket off.

No response.

What the fuck.

I walked into the kitchen and saw some red cupcakes, still sitting in their pan, still warm.

He must have just left to go somewhere. Now I'm really starting to doubt if he remembered, but he did make cupcakes which I guess is cool, but I'm assuming it was for a video. There's probably vodka laced in these knowing him.

I sighed and went up stairs, grabbing some new clothes and hopping in the shower.

The warm water relaxed me as I stood there, letting it run down my body. If jake really forgot, that would suck. It's an important anniversary too- one year...

I shook my head and decided to ignore the thoughts.

He wouldn't forget.. right?

Jake's pov -

I totally forgot today was our anniversary.

Listen, it's not my fault Johnnie was bugging me all day with dumb video ideas. I had filmed a video with him earlier, and we made heart cupcakes for Valentine's Day. The shape made me feel like I wasnt remembering something, but I couldn't remember what I wasn't remembering.

Then, an hour before y/n usually gets home, it hits me that today was our anniversary.

"Fuck!" I had said. Johnnie looked over at me, raising an eyebrow.

"I fucking forgot today was mine and y/n's anniversary! Shit, I gotta go man." I stood up quickly, grabbing my phone and waving bye.

I had made it home and looked through the house to see if we had anything I could give her. Looking in the pantry, don't ask, I found some cake mix.

"Perfect, I'll make cupcakes"

And then I realized we had no icing for them, so here I am, at target, freaking out over what color of frosting I should pick.

Shit, cmon she's gonna be home any fucking minute!

Red? Pink? Purple? Brown? No, not brown, that's ugly.

Groaning, I just picked white. Then, I grabbed some heart sprinkles I had found and I made my way to the check out.

"Oh my Jesus Christ.." I mumbled under my breath. The line was so long.

Why does everyone have to be at target now?

I sighed and waited for around ten minutes before I could finally check out.

I payed and left, rushing to my car. I threw the bag in my passenger seat and attempted to drive home as quick as possible, also trying not to get a speeding ticket.

As I pulled into the driveway, I saw y/n's car parked already.

"Fuck!" I sighed and groaned. I defeatedly got out of the car, bag in hand, and I walked up to the door.

I got in and hung my keys up, expecting y/n to be waiting for me, but no. I stopped for a moment and listened.

Hell yeah, she's in the shower!

I scurried over to the kitchen, dropping the bag on the counter and fiddling with the icing cap.

I eventually got it off and I began to decorate the cupcakes.

Then, I heard the shower turn off.

Shit, shit, shit, shit.

I attempted to hurry up, but the icing kept getting stuck in the bag. I silently cursed up a storm.

"Hurry up!" I muttered to myself.


y/n pov -

I got out of the shower, drying myself off with a towel. I put on a pair of underwear as well as a pair of Nike shorts with a basic sweatshirt that had a random band on it. I ran the towel through my hair and sighed again.

I checked my phone to see if I had any messages yet, and still, I had none.

Damn, he actually forgot.

I shook my head, feeling tears start to well up in my eyes.

Jesus, don't fucking cry, it's not worth it.

I wiped my eyes with my sweat shirt and I walked out of the bathroom, going into my bedroom and putting my clothes in the laundry basket.

The smell of cupcakes still hung in the air. I winced at it.

As I walked down the steps, I heard a bunch of mumbling coming from the kitchen.

"...fuck hurry... jesus ...she's gonna be down any minute, fuck..." I stopped right before the last step.

What the fuck. Is he fucking cheating on me.

So much for buying a rose and card.

I forced myself to walk down the last step, expecting a girl to be giving him a blowjob or something, but instead I saw Jake sprinkling on heart sprinkles and smiling at the cupcakes.

"Jake?" He looked up from the cupcakes and smiled wider.

"Happy anniversary my love!" He held the tray up and I walked up to see some messily decorated, red cupcakes.

"Aww, jake! These look so good, baby!" I went in to hug him as he hugged me back.

"I know they do."


Wait I'm goated

- Jenny 😉

Word count - 1072

Word count - 1072

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