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katty's pov

So, like, picture this – Caiden and I finally make it official. We're officially official, if you catch my drift. And of course, being the social media addicts that we are, we decide to post about it on Instagram.

But, oh boy, did we not see the backlash coming. I mean, seriously, you'd think we announced we were sacrificing puppies or something, judging by the comments.

"Who even asked for this?" one person writes.

"Wow, didn't know desperate was the new trend," another adds.

And my personal favorite: "Poor Caiden, settling for second best."

Um, excuse me? Second best? I'll have you know, I'm a freakin' catch, thank you very much.

But of course, the comments aren't just about me. Poor Caiden gets his fair share of hate too, but it's mostly directed at yours truly. Because apparently, being in a relationship with me is equivalent to social suicide or something.

But you know what? Screw the haters. Caiden and I are happy, and that's all that matters.

Meanwhile, everyone and their grandma is trying to play matchmaker with Giuliana and her crush, Ahmed. Like, seriously, can we all just chill for a second and let them figure it out on their own?

But nope, it's like everyone suddenly becomes a relationship expert overnight, offering unsolicited advice and setting up elaborate schemes to get them together.

But the thing is, Giuliana and Ahmed are both about as shy as a cat at a dog show. So while everyone else is busy playing Cupid, they're both stuck in their own little worlds, too scared to make a move.

So yeah, that's the tea for today, folks. Katty, signing off with an eye roll and a whole lotta sass.

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