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gianmarco's pov
I never thought much about crushes. Sure, I'd seen the movies and heard the songs, but it all felt so distant, like something that happened to other people. That is, until Kaitlyn Smith walked into my life like a hurricane, turning everything upside down in the most unexpected way.

It started innocently enough – a shared laugh here, a casual conversation there. But then came the day of the infamous blue pen incident. One minute, I was scribbling notes furiously, trying to keep up with Mrs. Johnson's lecture, and the next, my hand looked like a Smurf in a blender.

Panicked, I turned to the only person I trusted in that moment – Kaitlyn. She didn't hesitate to help, her gentle touch and warm smile calming my racing heart. We escaped to the bathroom together, our laughter echoing off the tiled walls as we attempted to wash away the stubborn ink stains.

But as our eyes met in the dimly lit restroom, something shifted. Time seemed to stand still as we stood there, hand in hand, lost in a moment of silent connection. I felt a flutter in my chest, a sensation I couldn't quite put into words.

Before things could get too intense, I broke the spell, my shyness getting the best of me. "Um, thanks for helping me with this," I muttered, gesturing to my still-blue hand.

The next day, I took a leap of faith and invited Kaitlyn over to my house. I wanted to spend more time with her, to unravel the mystery behind that shy smile and those sparkling eyes.

As she stepped into my humble abode, I couldn't help but notice how she lit up at the sight of my dog, Max. Watching them bond, sharing secret whispers and playful pats, filled me with a warmth I hadn't known before.

We spent the afternoon playing Mario Kart, with Kaitlyn trouncing me in every race. Her victory dance was both adorable and infuriating, and I couldn't help but laugh along, feeling a sense of camaraderie growing between us.

But it was when we stepped outside and felt the first snowflakes of the season dance around us that something truly magical happened. Kaitlyn shivered, realizing she hadn't brought a coat, so I offered her my hoodie. It swallowed her whole, but she looked so darn cute in it that I couldn't help but smile.

We spent the rest of the afternoon taking silly pictures in the snow, our laughter ringing out like music in the crisp winter air. And when it was time for Kaitlyn to leave, I couldn't resist telling her how adorable she looked in my hoodie.

Later that evening, as I lounged on the couch with Max by my side, my mom made a comment that caught me off guard. "She seems like a special friend, Gianmarco. You seem more like yourself when she's around."

I couldn't help but smile at her words, realizing that maybe, just maybe, this crush wasn't as one-sided as I thought.

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