journal entry # 2

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dear journal,
Scrolling through Instagram like it's my job (which, let's be real, it basically is), I can't help but get lost in a sea of memories captured in pixelated perfection. There we were, Gianmarco and I, looking like a couple straight out of a cheesy rom-com, frolicking in the snow like two overexcited puppies.

But then, like a pesky fly buzzing around my head, I spot Olivia's comment – "Hey Gianmarco, you should totally come over to my house sometime 😉." Ugh, seriously? Can she not read the room? Or does she just have a permanent case of selective vision?

Thankfully, my boy G-Man responded to every comment but hers. Score one for the good guys. But still, the green monster of jealousy rears its ugly head, threatening to ruin my picture-perfect day.

I mean, who does Olivia think she is, trying to steal my thunder? I'll have you know, Miss Thang, that Gianmarco and I are practically joined at the hip now, thanks to our epic Mario Kart battles and snow-filled adventures.

But hey, I'm not one to dwell on negativity. Instead, I choose to focus on the fact that Gianmarco took the time to respond to every single comment – even the ones from my Aunt Linda, who thinks she's a social media influencer because she has 10 followers and a cat named Mr. Whiskers.

So, while Olivia may be trying to slide into Gianmarco's DMs, I'll just sit back, sip my tea (literally, because peppermint tea is life), and bask in the glow of our Instagram-worthy moments.

Stay classy, Katie out.

meant to be - kaitmarcoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora