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katie's pov

So, picture this: Andy and his crew are talking smack about me, like I'm some kind of punching bag for their insults. They're going on and on about how I'm not good enough for Gianmarco, how I'm ugly, how I'm just a waste of space. And let me tell you, I'm fuming.

But before I can even process what's happening, Gianmarco is on Andy like a whirlwind, tackling him to the ground and raining down blows like it's nobody's business. I mean, talk about a one-man wrecking crew.

Next thing I know, we're both sitting in the principal's office, Andy nursing a black eye and Gianmarco looking like he's ready to take on the entire school single-handedly. Andy gets slapped with two weeks of detention, while Gianmarco gets off with just a day. But something tells me this isn't the end of it.

The next day in gym class, Andy decides to take his vendetta to the next level by throwing a dodgeball at the back of my head. And that's when Katty snaps.

She launches herself at Andy like a rocket, and before I can even blink, they're in the midst of a full-blown brawl, dodgeballs flying left and right. It's like something out of a bad action movie, and I'm stuck in the middle of it all, feeling more like a liability than ever.

Mr. D'Andrea finally breaks them up, but not before things get pretty ugly. Andy gets his detentions extended, and Katty gets slapped with a two-day suspension. And here I am, caught in the crossfire, wondering if I'm worth all this chaos.

But then, in the dead of night, I hear a knock on my window, and there's Gianmarco, climbing in like some kind of knight in shining armor. I'm scared, I'm confused, but most of all, I'm grateful.

He wraps me in his arms, telling me softly that I don't need to apologize, that he'll always be there to protect me, no matter what.

And in that moment, I realize that maybe, just maybe, I'm not as alone as I thought.

Katie, signing off with a mix of fear and gratitude.

meant to be - kaitmarcoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें