journal entry # 1

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dear journal,
It's been a whirlwind month since that fateful first day of eighth grade. Gianmarco and I have gotten insanely close – texting every day, sharing inside jokes, and making plans to hang out after school. Every time my phone buzzes with a message from him, my heart does a little happy dance, like a puppy chasing its tail.

But there's a dark cloud looming on the horizon – Olivia. Ugh, just thinking about her makes my blood boil. She's like a snake in the grass, always slithering her way into conversations with Gianmarco, batting her eyelashes and flipping her hair like she's auditioning for a shampoo commercial. I know she likes him, and it's driving me crazy.

Thankfully, my ride-or-die squad – Giuliana, Maddie, and Katty – have my back. They've made it their mission to shift Gianmarco's attention away from Olivia and towards yours truly. I appreciate their efforts, I really do, but sometimes it feels like they're trying too hard. I mean, how obvious can you get?

And then there's Alex. My ex. The one who shattered my heart into a million pieces last year. And wouldn't you know it, he's in the same class as Gianmarco. Great. Just great. Every time I catch his eye, it's like he's trying to send me some kind of secret message – one that I definitely don't want to receive.

But enough about the drama. Tonight, I'm going to focus on manifesting my dreams. I'll light some candles, meditate, and channel all my positive energy into the universe, hoping and praying that Gianmarco will finally realize that we're meant to be together.

Goodnight world, and fingers crossed for a brighter tomorrow.


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