School part 2

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Terri was walking down stairs to the second floor "shit"she says as she carefully walks down the stairs in heels breathing heavily she then slowly walks into a class room holding the gun shaking little blood handprints were on a global map as blood was on the walls.

She looks around before seeing a little girl sitting facing a wall as they slowly rock back and forth as she slowly approaches "Angela it's gonna be okay there's no need to be afraid we're gonna take you home"she says as she touches her shoulder gently but the little girls turns around with growl blood covering her face as she was eating on a hand showing to be a zombie little girl as Terri screams backing away.

She backs up into another one as she whirls around seeing many zombie children cornering her as the little girl from before bits her leg as Terri screams in agony before falling to the ground as they all attacked her as she screams being eaten alive while her camera recording her death as her screams echo.

Jill was shown in the Jim as she looks around walking on garud before jumping hearing Terri scream she was then shown walking through a door"Terri"she calls in whisper before seeing large amounts of blood of the ground as something was dragged she gulps as she walks further into the class room with her gun trained.

"You can't help her"a voice says as she whirls around before a little girl with curly Brown hair in a school uniform comes out of her hiding spot"not now I've seen what the do"she says walking over as Jill lowers her gun.

"Are you Angela"she asked breathing heavily.

"Yes but we should hurry before they come back"Angela says.

Jill picks up terri's camera"hold this"Jill says before holding her other hand while walking with her gun trained as they quickly leave the room before they were shown walking through the School into what looked like the cafeteria"those things are in here"Angie says.

"It's ok they're not rabbid like the others"Jill says.

"No not them...them"Angie says pointing at the growling dogs that were eating on each other as there fur and skin with bloody"get back"Jill says as one turns it's head growling at them bareing there teeth before charging at them as Jill shoots at it as Angie ducks for cover as the dog kept coming as Jill continued to shoot as she was pushed into one of the tables dropping her gun as it slides.

The dog growls as she quickly gets up grabbing a metal chair just as a machine gun fires taking it out as it mid jumps as Jill snaps her head to the side as Nikolai was shown as the one who shot at it.

Suddenly another one was running out her before it was shot down as he continues to shot down any undead thing before they were all dead as he looks at Jill"thought you might need a hand"he says.

"You work for umbrella"she says.

"Use to til they left us for dead in this place now I consider my self freelance Sargent Nikolai at your service"he says suddenly a dog jumps on him biting into his neck as she jumps back in shock as the dog attacked him as Angie had to pull Jill away as he screams being attacked by two zombie dogs.

Angie and Jill were in the kitchen as they move around hunched over"for now on stay right beside me"she says as she stops seeing her gun not that far she makes Angie stay right by the face as she carefully walks over as she gets on her hands and knees then her stomach as she reaches for her gun when a zombie crawls out of an opening behind Angie it was a woman who worked in the kitchen as she gasp making Jill sit up as she whirls around sitting up grabbing the women around the head breathing heavily before snapping the women's neck as she then goes back but jumps when a dog jumps at her but a metal shelf is in it's way.

Jill turns to the stove getting an idea as she quickly gets up turning on all the gas nobs before grabbing angie running off as they rush through the kitchen as Jill turns on more gas stoves when she screams as one jumps over a stove at her before grabbing a frying pan as she smacks it across the face hard into a shelf knocking it over before dropping the pan as she grabs Angie as they run as another dog was shown as it sniffs the air as gas from the stoves we're filling the air.

They ran to the entrance of the kitchen as Jill pulls out her matches lighting one as she tossed it behind her hoping it will catch fire but the match blows out as they run pushing open the doors seeing Alice and Nevaeh as Alice blows out smoke holding a half cigarette as she flicks it in slow motion as it flys over Jill and Angie.

Nevaeh was able to grab Jill as she pulls her to the side down covering there heads as Alice grabs a fire blanket wrapping it around her and Angie just as the cigarette sits off the trap causing a major explosion killing the dogs and everything in the kitchen as Nevaeh covers her and Jill as the fire roars before it all dies down as Alice removed the fire blanket as she was breathing heavily.

"Thank you both of you"Angie says to Alice breathing heavily then looking at Nevaeh.

Nevaeh gets up pushing her hair out of face smiling softly at the girl before looking down at a coughing Jill who turns on her back"your welcome"she says before getting up as she holds out a hand to Jill as she helps the groaning woman up.

"Y'all know each other"Jill asked groaning.

"She's infected on a massive level but not like those other things but like me and Alice"Nevaeh explains Dr. Ashford explained to them about his daughter.

"She's right"angie says.

"Y'all are infected when we're you gonna tell me"Jill says breathing heavily.

"What ever they did to me and Alice down there it was like the virus bonded with us but Alice was only injected with a double dosage it made her strong and powerful while I was injected three times in the flash back I heads they called me something...they called me the ultimate weapon "neveah says.

Alice nods her head as she sits down smiling softly at Angie as she notices Angies bag"let me see"she says softly.

"No"Angie says scared holding her bag as neveah crunches down in front of the little girl"hey it's ok you can trust us Angie"she says softly gently grabbing angies arm as Angie looks into her eyes knowing she's telling the truth before Nevaeh slow moves up her sleeve seeing multiple injection marks all over her arm before grabbing angies bag taking out her lunch box hitting a certain keys as the side opens showing the vails of the antivirus.

"It's the antivirus a cure to the t virus"Alice says as she and neveah share looks.

"There's a cure"Jill asked.

"How did you get this"Alice asked as Nevaeh thinks before putting it together "hey father"she says making them look at her.

"Shes right my father gave me these heade it for me he's sick and some day I'll get sick to he just wanted to stop that when I was little I had to walk on crutches they said I'd never get better just worse he found a way to make me stronger"Angie says.

"The t virus "neveah says as Angie nods her head as she continues to explain"it's not a bad man he didn't mean for any of this "Angie says with tears as neveah pulls her into a hug"hey it's ok he just did what he thought was the best way to help you"she says before gently holding her face as Angie sniffles before a gun shot goes off making her push the little girl behind her as she and Alice each pull out as gun just as Carlos and LJ appear.

Nevaeh sees a red light on Alice as she cocks her gun"you even think about it asshole and i will shoot you dead in a blink of eye got it"she says coldy.

"Wait wait don't shoot he made a deal with Dr Ashford same as y'all"LJ says as they all lower there guns.

"How many of you guys are there "Jill asked.

"What do you mean "Carlos asked as Jill looks back to the kitchen making him turn realizing he lost Nikolai as well seeing his bloody and ripped up body "Nikolai"he says before he started coughing.

"How long"Nevaeh asked.

"Three hours ago"Carlson says meaning they didn't have much time as the girls cock there guns as Alice smirks "it's your lucky day"she says confusing the men before they all leave.

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