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White tents were shown with a helicopter as a women was be a computer "sir t virus infection has reached critical levels "she says as major cain walks over leaning against the table.

"This presents a perfect opportunity insure all data and streams activate nemesis program now"he says as a dark experiment lab back in the umbrella facility in raccoon City was shown as each light slowly comes back on as as what ever was keeping it down deactivated as mutated face was shown almost like it was some together as teeth were shown bearing as the gums were pulled all the way back as scars were all over before their one eye snaps open showing a familiar bright blue eye.

 Carlos he was patching up his man"pay attention soldier you need to stay focus alright"he says as another one was trying to reach back to base but gets frustrated "why won't they respond why won't they evac us"he asked Carlos.

"I don't know"he says.

"Shouldn't have said this here in the first place we never stood a chance we're not trained for this"his man says before Carlos here's a chopper before they see one flying over he Carry to steal cases before they follow the direction it was coming from when it didn't even stop when they holler and wave a glare they needed to get Yuri help and fast.

The cases drop through a glass plane roof of a building as they drop to the ground as they hurry to the building but the chopper was flying away making them confused.

"No no hey don't leave!"Nikolai hollers after it.

"It dropped something into the hospital take Yuri "Carlos says as he entered the hospital with his gun ready as he walks over to the steal crates as Nikolai helps Yuri walk as they enter the hospital"hold on Yuri"Carlos says as they walk through a hall we're a female zombie in hospital gown walls past as they stay quiet before moving forward as the steal crates were shown with shattered glass as heavy foots steps walk towards it as a now empty bed was shown were the creature once east as the team walks past the window.

The creat was Opened showing a large machine gun with many rounds as a black cloth Giant ham picks it up with a growl.

Carlos and the others walk around a corner as Yuri was breathing heavily stumbling as Nikolai helps him walk before they reach the main center of the hospital.

"Nikolai put me down"Yuri groans as he was set down on the ground as Carlos walks to an Open crate as the gun was now gone"what is it"Nikolai asked.

"Looks like weapon cases"Carlos asked as Nikolai slams it closed as he kicks it"we didn't need weapons we needed evacuations.

Carlos realized something"these weren't ment for us"he says as they look at the now empty weapon cases before suddenly Yuri growls biting Carlos on the arm who grunts pushing Yuri away who had turned as he roars with a bloody mouth as Nikolai shot him in my head.

A vehicle was shown on fire as an old theater was shown were most of what's left of the Stars force members hide out as he zombie slowly walks forward before he was shot down from an officer from on the roof it was a man with a cowboy hat as he cocks the gun an empty shell falling as he cheers before drinking his bear.

Lj stumbled around looking at all the destruction as he then walks to a car trying to open it gaining the officers attention as he cocks the gun making lj look up as he holds his hands up"don't shoot"he begs before the zombie behind him was shot in the head making him breath real hard "I got ya pall"the officer says as lj runs to the theater taking shelter with the others.

Soon heavy foots steps were heard in the distance gaining the officers inside with lj and on the one on the roots attention heavy thick black boots walk from around the car as a strong built mutated monster in all black leather clothes and coat with a machine gun in one hand with another weapon in the other as he slowly walks forward it was nemesis.

The one on the roof shoots at nemesis but it bounces off like it was nothing as he shoots against but it doesn't effect nemesis as he growls lifting up the modified locket Roger as it goes off as the sign completely blows up killing the officer as nemesis slowly walks forward.

"You mother fuckers must be crazy look at that big mother fucker he got a Rocket launcher."lj says as he stares at the thing with fear as the officers have there guns ready.

"What do we have"major cain asked as the women looks at the screen.

"Dozen armed men well organized"she says as the officers take a stand holding there guns.

"That's the prize no one left alive "major cain says.

"They're stars specials tactics and rescue squad they're the best"the women says as nemesis walks forward with a roar just as the officers start shooting but it was useless against nemesis as the men fall back.

"Let's see how good they really are"major cain says as nemesis raised his machine gun before firing completely as glass shattered as lj stands holding his head with his gun in his hands before the gun fire stopped as he sees all the officers dead around him before looking at the thing in front of him with a nervous smile quickly dropping his guns poseing not a threat as nemesis growls before walking away.

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