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The other survivors were shown walking with Alice and neveah in lead as Jill looks at them"why are you staring it's getting annoying"neveah says as she continues forward.

"I'm not sure what made y'all want to work for umbrella "Jill asked.

"Gotta make a living some how"Alice says.

"What about you huh"Jill asked Nevaeh who was quiet"what y'all did was some pretty slick moves back there I'm good but I'm not that good"Jill says.

"Be grateful then"neveah says.

"What do you mean by that"Jill asked as Nevaeh stopped as she turns around "I literally can't remember anything about my past thinks to that damn company it's been bits and pieces but I know one thing ever did this to mean better pray I don't get my hand son them. Be grateful you have a choice in your decision me I didn't I've been having flashes back of me literally strapped to a table like a lab rat begging someone who I guess is my brother making inhumane I don't feel human anymore cause of umbrella"she snaps with tears as Alice looks at her friend in worry.

Jill ,peyton and Terri listen to her words you can hear both the physical pain and emotional pain in her voice listen to her words before suddenly the phones ring as Nevaeh blocks back tears going back to her coldness "come on let's go before those dead son of a bitches find us"she says as they walk off they were shown walking past some more phones as they keep ringing.

Alice walks over as she picks up the phone "hello".

"God I thought you'd never pick answer"a males voice says as the others keep a look out.

"Who is this"she aksed.

"I can get you out of the city all five of you but first we have to come to an arrangement are you ready to make a deal"the man asked.

"Do we have a choice "Alice asked.

"Not if y'all want to live beyond tonight no"Dr Ashford says smoking a cigarette. 

Soon they were shown taking shelter in a bus as Alice explained the deal.

"So his name is doctor Ashford and he"Terri says recording Alice as Nevaeh was making sure her guns were loaded and had her weapon back as she straps her weapons on.

"And he runs the genetics and viral research division of umbrella corporation "Alice asked.

"What does he want "Jill asked leaning her head on her arm on the pole as she was smoking a cigarette.

"His daughter Angela is trapped in the city umbrella was to evac her but she didn't make it. She's hiding out in her school we find her he'll help us escape the perimeter"Alice says loading her guns as she explained the deal.

"No fuckin deal"Peyton says as Jill looks at him in disbelief there's little girl out there on her own trapped.

"It's our only way out of this hell whole alive"neveah says.

"We find the building with the thickest walls and the strongest doors. And we barricade ourselves and sit tight wait for"Peyton says breathing heavily.

"Alice tell them "Nevaeh says they both share a look.

"There wont be any help according ashford says umbrella knows they can't contain the infection so at sunrise this morning raccoon City will be completely sanitized"alice explained cocking her shot gun.

"What do you mean sanitized"Terri asked.

"She's means they will completely destroy this city and the hive underneath it"Nevaeh says crossing her arms.

"She's right a precision technical nuclear device"Alice says.

"What yield"Jill asked.

"Five kilotons "Alice says as Jills jaw drops in disbelief"fuck me"she says stressed.

"What does that mean"Terry asked.

"Destroy the infection and all evidence of it"Alice says.

"It's bullshit! It's bullshit! No fuckin way would they get away with that it would be all over the fuckin news"Peyton says frustrated.

"Cover up"Terry says.

"Cover up already prepared a meltdown at the nuclear power plant"Alice says.

"Not even umbrellas capable of this"Peyton says as neveah pushed off the wall of the bus"have you not been listening you have no idea how far they are will to cover to keep this from getting out."she snaps.

"Shes right you were at that gate you know exactly what they are capable of"Jill says remembering how the soldiers just shot people without blinking an eye.

Peyton grunts pulls him self up"so what do we do know huh"he asked.

"I think we should be out of here by sunrise"Alice says as they all share a look before they were shown walking across arkley overpass with deserted cars"what if there is no way out and he's watching us on these cameras like this is some kind of sick game"Jill says a stage wind blows through there hair.

"Stop"neveah says as she hears heavy foot steps as she can feel the vibration through the road underneath there feet as she and Alice share a look before they turn around facing to there left.

"She's right there's something down there"Alice says as they look for something.

"Were" Jill asked as Nevaeh looks to a underpass by of a different bridge with a burning car as smoke covers the area "over there"she says pointing.

"I don't see anything"Peyton says.

"Well doesn't alter the fact that there's something down there now does it"Alice says.

"I'm getting sick of this bullshit!"Peyton says as he pushes past the two women walking out in the open when suddenly bullet's started flying as he gets shot down dead.

Jill tears up angry "no!"she yells as she fires at what ever it is.

Nevaeh gets a good look at it"what the hell is that fuckin thing!"she yells over the fire pulling the reporter down as the thing kept shooting before getting up as she pulls out her gun.

"Nemesis"Alice says.

"Well at least we can put a name with the ugly ass fucker"neveah huffs as she shoots at the thing.

Alice looks towards Jill and Terry"run just go!"she ushers them away as they run off as Alice and neveah share looks as the thing looks straight at them as it growls.

"Primary targets are identified"the women says as Alice and neveah were shown as major claims eyes widen when he sees neveah"make his target Alice and only Alice!"he says urgently as they override the system as now his only Target was Alice.

Alice and Nevaeh climb onto the rail as they jump down from the over pass onto the ground as they pull out there guns as they start shooting running towards nemesis two weapons vs weapon.

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