The beginning part 2

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A women with blonde hair in a light colored shirt with a skirt in heels was breathing heavily as she runs up many stairs as the zombies were chasing her as the hiss and growl. As she runs up another set of stairs she trips breaking her heel before seeing the zombies up ahead as she quickly rushed up the stairs turning a corner as she runs to a door hitting buttons on the key bad but kept getting the code wrong as she was running out of time as the zombies were getting closer before she screamed as they reached her as one bites her wirst before she reached over tying the code one more time as the light goes green before she opens the door tripping as she runs from the zombies as they were on a roof.

The chopper was shown close to the building as a man by the name of Carlos who had short black hair with a stubble mustache in black armor sees the woman running from the zombies who were surrounding her.

"Civilian in trouble three o'clock go down"he says.

"I can't we have our orders "the pilot says.

"They're gonna kill her! Take us down now! "Carlos says.

"She's a civilian. We have orders"the pilot says as the women backs away from the zombies as she was close to the edge with a high drop.

"Fuck orders! Nicholai tie me off"Carlos says as Nicholai sets him up with wires as Carlos drops out the chopper with his guns out as he shoots taking down zombie after zombie before he comes to a stop as he drops to his feet unhooking him self before shooting the last zombie as the chopper lowers as his team gets out.

Carlos walks over to the women putting his guns up"hey hey you okay"he asked as his team walks over as the chopper flys by up."step away from the edge come over to me everythings okay"he says calmly.

The women shake sher head"no it's not. I've seen what happens to you once you've been bitten "she says as the bloody bite mark was shown on her arm.

"We can help you"Carlos says.

"There's no going back"she says as she throws her self off the roof as they rush after her before a thud was heard as they see her splattered as she lays there dead as they share looks.

Back at the gate Jill pushes her way through "move! Peyton!"she says as one of her old team members sees her as they let her through as he walks to her"glad you're here we could use the help"Peyton says just as a man starts to spas out as he falls to the ground dead as his daughter crys Peyton and Jill rush over as Peyton pulls the daughter away "it's ok I got ya"he says just as the girls fathers eyes snap open showing greyish faded eyes as he latched on to Peyton's leg biting him as Peyton screamed others helping him as another pulls tye infected man off before jill shoots the man in the head.

Major cain had watched the whole thing"it's here it's reached the gate"he says into his head piece.

Jill warps up the bite mark"why are you still here you should have got out while you had the chance"she says.

"These are our people Jill "Peyton says breathing heavily.

"Close them"major can says to the soldier beside him.

"Sir?"he asked.

"Seal the gates"major cain says.

"Our men are down there"the soldier says.

"Just do it"major cain says as the gates creak as they were shown slowly closing before they fully closed with a hiss as people inside the gate panicked as they yell rushing to the now closed gates hitting on it as the soldiers push them back away from the door"this is a biohazard quarantine area due to risk of infection you cannot be allowed to leave the city."major cain says to the panicking people.

"What the fuck is going on here"Terri Morales asked as she now wore a white pants suit with heels lowering her camera.

"All appropriate measures are being taken the situation is under control please return to your homes."major cain says.

"You won't get away with this!"a civilian shouts as the crowd pushed forward before they scream ducking when a gun goes off by cain as a warning "you have five seconds to turn around...and return to the city do it"he says before saying the last part to thr soldier walking away.

"Use of live ammunition has been authorized five."the soldier says as everyone stands around as guns were cocked ready.

Terry turns to Jill with wide eyes "they can't shoot people!"she says.

"They won't fire"Jill says.

"Three."the soldier says but Peyton had a feeling they will actually shoot as he turns around breathing heavily "get them back!"he says.

"Two"the soilder says as he and Jill get people to move back fast as some run off screaming "one"the soilder says before they fire the guns shooting down people while others quickly run away.

In the city zombies roam around as they hiss and growl as destruction lays around them as two people were shown in an alley shooting down zombies with machine guns"kilo and Romeo squads rendezvous at sector 01..."as the chopper hovers in the air as Carlos and his team shoot out the zombies in the street as cops skids to a halt as star members join also swat joining as they all shoot and throwing grenades at the zombies.

Major can was shown walking down the stairs on the safe side of the gate"squads three and seven are on full threat no sir suppression measures have failed we can't contain it the infection is spreading faster than anyone anticipated"he says into his head piece as Dr. Ashford wheels over.

"Dr. Ashford. Shouldn't you be on the chopper"major cain asked walking over with crossed arms.

"I'm not going"Dr. Ashford says.

"I was instructed to get you and the other scientists out of the hot zone your too important to umbrella to be at risk"major cain says.

"I'm not leaving without my daughter "Dr Ashford says as major can leans one the handles of the wheelchair"im sorry truly but the city is sealed she may have survived the crash but we couldn't find her anywhere even if she were still alive I couldn't let her out the risk of infection is too great you must understand"major cain says.

"You do what you have to do. I'm staying "Dr Ashford says as major cain fake smiles before walking away but he doesn't get on the chopper as it leaves as he walks to were many white tents or set up.

Dr Ashford wheels into his tent as it is zipped close before he wheels over to a laptop logging into umbrella but it revoked his access so he used his personal laptop logging in but he was denied so he decided to hack in instead before turning to the other lap top computer putting in the code as he tracks down his daughter showing she was in the school before looking for people "there has to be someone left alive"he says to him self he located alice and Nevaeh as they were shown walking along the deserted street.

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