14. secret garden

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She always tries her hardest
But not enough for them

The poppy
The first world war remembrance symbol....

Jisung's pov.

My eyes haven't left the window since these two words left my mouth.

I have been thinking... At least I think I was, I don't remember if I was. I don't really know what's going on in my brain right now all I know is that the rain that's pouring from the sky had made two children with yellow rain coats run around with the biggest smiles painted on their youthful faces.

Yet this same rain had made two other kids with nothing but a thin shirt shiver and hug each other closely seeking warmth to warm up their cold tired bodies.

I watched both closely as we waited for the light to turn green.

I watched closely as they ran resulting the falling down of the little boy. "Stop the car." I said suddenly and Minho did as I asked with no questions.

I left the car as steadily as my legs managed and made my way to them. "Hey are you alright?" I said softly as I helped the little boy on his feet.

"I'm sorry." The other boy said to what I assumed is his brother. "It's okay you were just trying to protect us from the rain." The boy smiled at him before turning to me. "Thank you for helping me sir." he bowed to me but I quickly dropped on my knees to him height.

"It's okay darling, are you alright? Did you hurt your knee?" I asked but didn't dare to check it myself knowing how uncomfortable could a child get from being touched by a complete stranger.

"I'm alright it doesn't hurt." he smiled brightly almost like he was trying to hide the largest grave behind his mouth's movements. "Where are you guys planning to stay?" Was what I asked next.

I didn't dare to ask why they're here alone, where's their parents, where they stayed last night or the night before.

I just need to know how I can do something that can be helpful right now.

"We're going to stay in a park nearby until the rain stops." The brother said. "It's called princess park! It's really beautiful and has a beautiful name!" The little boy said excitingly.

Princess park.

Did I hear that correctly?

"I'm sorry can you repeat the name again?"

"Princess park?" He answered again.

I could hear his heavy breathing and the falling off the rain and my heart screaming.

"Can we go there together?" I asked them with the sweetest smile I could manage. "Of course, come on I know the way."

" Where are you going?" Minho's voice came from behind us. "Umm.. I'm - you can leave I'll find my way from here." I answered instead.

" I asked where are you going." He repeated, "we're going to Princess park to hide before the rain is stronger." The older boy said.

"If you want to hide too sir you can come there's place for many people!" The little boy smiled up at Minho. "My name is harry and I love cats, what about you?" He said making the three of us smile at his brightness despite the darkness of his world.

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