3. Gold rush.

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Araujia sericifera
Ornamental, attractive and abundant fragrant flowers that makes you believe they're worth cultivating even when it's considered a noxious weed.

Minho's pov.

"your eyes are betraying you." Chan said next to me and I ignored him, "did you know about this and just let me embarrass myself?" I asked without taking my eyes off where the boy just stood.

"No, they're all the same they just kept him to the end since he's more talented alone, he wasn't supposed to perform this." Chan explained, of course he knows, he always does.

I finally took my eyes away and headed to the door without looking behind, ending an event couldn't be that hard Chan and Hannah will be able to take care of it, but I need to get out of there.

I don't know what has gotten into me, I still think dancers like those are just using their bodies for money instead of actually working hard, but the way his eyes shined with tears while his voice stool every empty space in the room, it's not what something a dancer like him is supposed to do!

Why would he prefer to sell his body if he can paint art with his vocals.

I don't know what happened to my heart and brain once he came out, covered with a mic and started blessing the sound waves but I'm not sure if I want to know either, it felt so unfamiliar, almost uncomfortable from how comfortable it felt.

I shook the idea out of my head as I made my way to my car, because I'm not that lucky though, I couldn't escape that easily, I watched him as he ran to the broken bus parked in front of me, the bus doesn't look like a safe transportation but I decided it's not my business to care about this as I pulled away and drove home.

"You're back! How was your first event?" My father asked once I stepped inside the house, "disaster." I stated.

"Come on I'm sure it wasn't that bad, tell me what happened?" He mentioned for me to sit across him in the living room, I sighed before taking a seat and started telling him about the beginning of the event when the dancers looked like they belonged in a club, "then one of them broke a perfume bottle."

"What else happened with him?" He asked almost instantly, "what do you mean?" How did he know something else happened? Did Chan tell him? He wouldn't do that though.

"You don't sound angry with the guy, he must have done something to make up for it," just then, it hit me, what if he did his performance like this as a way of an apology? Did he do it for me?

"Sorry dad I have got to go, thank you for talking to me about this!" I said as I ran upstairs to my room, I immediately opened my laptop to search him up, but...

I don't know his name.

How did I not ask for his name! I tried to search up the event and the people who were there and as I expected a lot of people were talking about him, but they're all wondering who the mysterious talented boy is.

I slammed the laptop shut in frustration and got up to water the flowers by my window, they're new ones after Soonie knocked the others over, but I can't help but be thankful for her.

The smell of these ones are way more strong and well fitted with each other, the old ones were better alone but together the smell was weird and just wrong.

I inhaled the smell, already imagining how the mix I had in mind will smell like.

Becoming a manager at my father's fragrance company has to be the best decision I made after adopting Sonnie, I was able to find my place in this world and know what I want to add to it.

A smell.

A smell that holds a memory, a part of your life that will always be connected to this glass bottle.

Or an identity of someone you'll always remember when you smell it.

The best thing about it is that you'll never know your brain is holding on to the smell until some point in the future, when it's time for you to look back and remember.

"Minho darling Chan and Hannah are here," mum called from downstairs, "tell them to come in," they were already in my room before I finished my sentence.

And not even a second later the smell of the flowers were replaced by Chan's perfume.

and instead of thinking of my best friend, or even the amount of hours I spent building the smell, I think about him.

Someone I don't even know his name.

"His name is Han Jisung," Hannah started talking, she's still in the dark red uniform from the event, "you won't find him on the internet because he's not a performer." Chan completed for his sister.

"Not exactly," she corrected him, "he works in a club, I don't know which though, that was all the information I gathered from ear dropping." She shrugged before walking to my bed to hold Sonnie.

"Don't even think about it," I said before she could sit down on my bed with her outside clothes. "At least thank me for helping you!"

"You're not helping me, I never asked you about him," I protested, "you never stopped me from talking tho," she pointed out and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, I'm hungry, let's go see what the cook made today." They both agreed and we walked to the kitchen to choose our meals and told the chef assistant to serve them in the dinning room.

The whole time I couldn't think or focus on anything the siblings were saying, not with Chan's smell occupying my air.

"Chan this perfume doesn't suit you anymore, I have a better one for you," I don't, but I can't have my best friend's smell haunt me by the image of a specific boy I wouldn't wish to see again.

"Really? I'd love to try something new."

Little did I know that the smell won't be the end of my thoughts about him.

( I'll edit this tomorrow but I didn't want to keep you waiting)

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