2. Anti hero.

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The poppy flower.
It's associated with death, depression and anxiety because of The easily crushed petals of the short-lived plant, weak, but pretty.

Jisung's pov.

I don't need an alarm, not when I don't have curtains to hide the sun rays from occupying my eyes, "okay okay I'm awake, no need to blind me!" I murmured under my breath.

Sleeping at 3am and waking up with the sun at 6am is one of the things I never got used to, my body and eyes still fight for more sleep that won't come.

I decided to not waste any time on trying to get back to sleep when I know it's useless so instead I got up from my bed straight to the bathroom to wash of my body, and the memory, after last night's shift.

The water was cold and slow, but it was there so I'm thankful, I moved around so the water would cover all my body and wash away the sweat, no idea if it's mine or not and the thought made me want to wash it away faster, harsher.

I finally stepped out of the shower, only because the water stopped coming, I didn't bother drying off my body since the rays of the visitor in my room would probably work it's magic.

I picked a simple white shirt and the not-bought-with-cut ripped jeans, the only thing I own that covers enough skin, good enough for picking up breakfast.

At this hour I know no one would be waiting under my building so I quickly made my way downstairs and walked to the closest cafe that doesn't sell expired food, which is 15 minutes away from my building since I live in a horrible neighborhood.

"Hey, " someone stopped me in the street, I looked behind me to find an old lady with a small child that can't be older than 5 holding her hands, "I'm sorry to bother you, but have you seen money on the floor anywhere here?"

Just answer and move on Jisung, they don't know who you are, they aren't giving you any attention, they're not looking at you.

I repeated in my brain over and over again before I finally answered, "no I'm sorry," as the words left my mouth the young boy started crying, "grandma I'm hungry I don't want to ask more people," tears were covering his cheeks and the old lady blushed in embarrassment, "please calm down, we have to find our money to eat,"

I have the thought already, just breathe and do it.


"Here, you can go eat now." I pushed the money in her hand and quickly ran away back to where I came from, after a minute of running I had to stop, my body is already exhausted from the lack of food, sleep and dehydration.

I was able to make it back in my room before anyone arrived at my building.

1. Shower. Check
2. Breakfast. Cancelled

I mentally recalled my to do list in my brain

3. Get ready.

I sighed to myself as I made my way to the bag that holds all my work clothes, I was given a specific outfit for today since it's a special occasion, if anything it shows more skin than a normal outfit.

Rip it and run.

I picked it up and removed the ugly clothes from my body to put the other beautiful pieces on. I hate it.

It's already 9am Which means I'll have 30 minutes to arrive at the base where I and many others will be taken to the building that holds the event.

I quickly threw my long coat over my body in an attempt to cover it as much as I could, but It still didn't make me feel less pathetic and disgusting.

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