Somoeone New

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It was now currently around 4pm, so I decided I was going to get ready for that walk I said I was gonna do earlier. I felt like wearing something casual. No need to go all out, plus I just felt like it.

I looked through my clothes. I grabbed a pair of low rise, bootcut jeans and a black, no sleeved, plain top. That looked tight on me but really wasn't. I decided to wear a read bra and show it off a little. It wouldn't hurt anyone.

Now, makeup. I could either,

a. Wear no makeup

b. Just wear mascara

c. my usual smokey eye look

d. my usual, but just some eyeliner on my waterlines

Mmm I'll go with option d, because it's simple but still looks like I put effort in.

After I'm done I put some jewellery on. Just a golden bracelet and the heart necklace Tom told me to get that one time we went out. Speaking of Tom I wonder what he is doing. I'll check on him during my walk.

I grab my phone and walk downstairs. I told my mum I was going for a walk.

I lock the door and turn around. My eyes landed on a girl, who was walking to Toms house, I think. I slowly walk down my path as I watch what's going on. I hide behind one of the bushes I had in my garden.

As she walks closer and closer to his house I see him appear down his path way. He looks happy to see this girl. Wait a minute I recognise that girl. It's the girl from yesterday. The one that made out with Tom, then I um.. cried. What was she doing here? I pulled a face.

They walked up to each other. I start to think of excuses of why she would be here.

Maybe she forgot something. Maybe she had something of his. Her mum wanted to give his mum something. Okay that's just dumb.

They hug each other. Tom seems really into the hug, can't say the same for the girl. I see her roll her eyes. Who does this hoe think she is? He's such a sweet person! These girls just don't know how to treat him right.

I could treat him better.

Gennie, stop. You don't even know if there's anything going on.

There probably is.


I hate my thoughts sometimes. I'm always fighting with my thoughts. One side is telling the truth and the other just says what I want to hear.

They disappear from my vision. Probably into his house. What are they gonna do?

I know I shouldn't but I'm curious.

I make my way over to Toms house. I quickly scan the windows to see where they were. I saw them sat on the couch.

He had his arm wrapped around her shoulders. I breathe in and out. I did most of my crying last night. I'll probably cry later, but now is not the time.

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