Wasting Wishes

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After I dragged Tom into the water with me, he didn't swim back up. I got a bit worried. I just saw him in the water and he was still. I bit my lip  nervously. "Tom?" I say as if he's gonna hear me.

I feel something grab my ankle, before I know it I got pulled under into the water. My eyes open, I see Tom come up. I quickly swim back up. My eyes are stinging. I rub my eyes.

"I hate you" I say splashing him with water, "no you don't" he says splashing me back, "yes, I do" I splash him again.

He laughs, "believe what you want, I know you love me really" he says beginning to get out the water. Did he actually know? He's probably just joking.

"Whatever Tommy" I say getting out too, "Tommy?" He raises his eyebrows, "yeah, it's a nickname silly" I say, he laughs.

"Alright" he says squeezing water out of his top, "I'm all wet because of you" I say, he gives me a look and laughs, "what? Look at me," I say annoyed, "I'm soaked" I huff.

Tom just laughs.

"What's so funny?" I ask, "the words you're using" he shakes his head smiling, "what do you mean-" then I realised, "you're such a dirty pig" I joke.

"I can't help it" he says shrugging, "mm clearly" I roll my eyes, "my makeup is probably ruined" I say sad.

"These are so heavy wet" he says, I look at him confused, "oh your clothes? Yeah probably because they're ten times bigger than your entire body" I say sassily.

"Yeah but you know I look good either way" Tom says, I roll my eyes. "I wish for us to be dry" he says randomly. Snap.

Finally my clothes are not wet.

"Probably one of the best wish you've made so far" I say, he laughs.

We walk inside.

Tom throws himself on the couch, leaving no space. "Move" I say, "I could but I really don't want to" he sighs. This bitch. "Move" I say again, pushing his legs off the couch.

"So mean" he says as I sit on the couch. Tom puts his legs on my lap, I look at him. "Tom get your legs off me" I say laughing, pushing them off, to which he puts them back on.

I push then off again, he puts them back on. I roll my eyes. Tom grabs the remote, turning the TV on. "Mm what should we watch?" He asks, "anything" I say.

He starts to scroll through channels, "boring, boring, boring, boring, boring" he says putting his head back, "there's nothing good to watch" he turns the TV off. "What do you want to do then?" I ask.

"I don't know. Sleep?" He starts to close his eyes, getting comfortable. I grab a pillow from my right and hit him with it.

"What was that for?" He ask sitting up, "I don't know. felt like it?" I say shrugging.

He grabs a pillow and hits me across the face with hit. I hit him with the pillow, making him fall off the couch.

"Woops" I say laughing, "you're so on" he says getting up and smacking me with the pillow right away.

This keeps going back and forth until I run upstairs into his bedroom. He follows me.

I hide in his wardrobe, planning on sneak attacking him. I watch through the crack off the wardrobe as Tom walks into the room, he slowly looks around.

After a while his back faces me and he drops the pillow. I quietly open the wardrobe door and get out. With the pillow I wacked the back of his head. He turns around, taking the pillow out of my hand.

I try to run away, but he grabs my wrist. He drops the pillow he had in his hands. Tom picks me up, launching me onto the bed.

He gets on the bed and starts to tickle me, "stop" I say laughing, trying to get away, "Tom, stop" I say still laughing. I push him away.

I catch my breathe, I slowly sit up. Tom is turned away from me.

Now, it's my turn.

I start to tickle him back. He flips me over so I can't tickle him anymore. "Not fair" I say.

"Sore looser" he says smirking, I roll my eyes. I get off the bed and go to his bathroom. I look in the mirror. Looks like I've been crying.

I need to fix this. Snap. I sigh in relief now that I look better. I walk back into his room.

Toms lying down on his bed, I sit next to him, which made him sit up. We just looked at each other.

Tom starts to lean in until someone burst into his room. I look behind me to see Bill and their mum. I smile at them.

"Tom, can you tell me why there's a pool in the backyard?" His mum says, I look at Tom, "I wish for them to think we recently got one" he whispers to me. Snap.

"What do you mean? We got one recently, remember?" Tom says. "No we-" she pauses, "oh yeah I remember" she says nodding. I smile at Tom, he wiggles his eyebrows at me, I laugh.

They walk out. I hear Tom sigh in relief. "You've got four wishes left" I say, "I don't really know what to wish for" he says, "well just think about something you really want" I suggest.

"Well I did want Hailey but" he stops, "but what?" I ask, "I don't want her anymore" he admits, "and you're not confused?" I say smiling, "yeah, I'm not confused" he nods.

"I only know two things I wanna wish for" he says, "which are?" I ask, "one set up a party and two set you free" he answered. I smiles at the fact he still wants to set me free.

"Can't I just waste the other two wishes on stupid things" he says sighing, "well you could, but personally I would save them just incase something happened and I needed them" I say to him.

"I guess your right" he says, "I'm aways right" I say smiling, "sure, whatever you want to believe" he says rolling his eyes.

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