Keep Trying

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I wake up and get changed. Today I was gonna keep trying with Hailey.

I brushed my teeth and grabbed my phone. I texted Gennie.

'U up yet?'

I wait for Bill on the couch. Gennie texted me.

'HEYY Tom'
'Yeah I'm Abt to leave with Sandy and Lindsay'

I text her back right away.

'I'll see u at school'

Bill runs down stands. "I'm ready" he says out of breathe. I roll my eyes and we walk out the door.


We arrive at school. "Um Bill I'm gonna wait for Gennie" I say standing by the school doors "okay" he says wiggling his eyebrows at me before walking inside. I pull a confused face to myself.

I see Gennie in the distance with her friends. She smiling and laughing, which makes me smile seeing her happy. She really is beautiful.

She notices me and smile sat me, I smile back. I notice her friends push her forward? She walks over to me.

Gennie hugs me, wrapping her arms around my neck. I hug her back. I look at her friends, I see them squealing and laughing.

It's been like two minutes and we're still hugging, which I don't really mind. Now I'm just swaying her side to side slightly.

I saw Hailey, I knew I should let go off Gennie but for some reason I didn't. My mind was telling me to let go but I just couldn't. Hailey looked me dead in the eye, I just looked away from her. Continuing to hug Gennie, I slowly dig my head into her shoulder.

"Can we go to my locker?" She asks breaking the hug. "Sure" I say. She drags me to her locker. She opens it taking stuff out, "can you hold these?" She asks smiling, I nod, she hands me her books she needs for today.

I lean on the lockers beside hers just admiring her. Tom stop this, remember Hailey the girl you've been chasing forever.

"So you know how I'm still gonna try with Hailey?" I say, I see her face go from happy to annoyed. "Yeah?" She says rolling her eyes "still tryna think of what I could do" I say.

She hums "how many wishes have I got left?" I ask, "umm seven" she says, "that's a lot" I sigh "I know" she shuts her locker, aggressively.

We walked to my locker, opening it.

Hailey walks up to me, I turn around to her, "sorry that I cancelled yesterday" she says, I look at Gennie and she looks like she doesn't believe Hailey.

"Okay" I say plainly, going back to what I was doing, "how about we go hang out after school in the park for a bit?" She suggest, I glance at Gennie, who was rolling her eyes, "are you gonna cancel on my again?" I ask, "no we'll do it right after school" she says. "Okay" I say.

"So that's a yeah?" She says, I nod. She walks away. I look at Gennie, She scoffs. "What?" I laugh at her, "I don't trust her" she says looking back at Hailey giving her skank eye look.

"I'll see how today goes" I say, "whatever" she rolls her eyes, sighing.

"Why are you never happy when I mention Hailey or we make plans?" I ask laughing, "because she's not a good person, she just toying with you" she says, "what makes you say that?" I say, "the real question is what doesn't make me say that?" She says as I close my locker, still carrying her books.

"Do you still even like her?" She asks, "I um I don't know" I say, "well find out then" Gennie says clearly annoyed.


I watch as Gennie runs off to Tom. How cute. She runs up and hugs him, tight. He hugs her back. I look at Sandy.

We squeal and jump a little.

"They've been hugging for a long time" Sandy says, "not long enough" I roll my eyes, "aww look he's swaying her" she points out, "awww, he soo likes her" I say, "he's just being stubborn" I add.

"Ewww look Haileys walking their way!" Sandy yells, we look at each other with disgusted.

I watch as Tom ignores Hailey and leans his head on Gennies shoulder.  "OMG" I yell, "OH MY GOD!" Sandy yells as we look at each other.

"He can't say he doesn't like her" I say, Sandy nods. "Aww they're pulling apart now" Sandy says very sad. We watch as Gennie drags Tom inside school.


For first period I have the same class as Tom, luckily I sit next to him.

I wasn't in the brightest mood. Tom doesn't know if he still likes Hailey or not, well that's not good enough.

How could he not know? Okay, maybe I'm being a bit to harsh. If he's happy I should be happy. But I swear if that bitch, Hailey tries to pull some shit again.

The bell rings, me and Tom walk into class. We sit in our seats. Tom puts my stuff on my side of the desk.

"Thank youuu" I say smiling, "your welcome" he says putting his arm the desk, resting his side of his cheek on the palm of his hand. He looked at me.

"What?" I say blushing a bit, "nothing" he says. I look away.


I was trying to do my work but I felt like someone was staring at me. I look to my side. Tom was staring at me, I smiled at him, he smiled back.

I continue doing my work. Every now and then I'd take a glance at Tom because I could still feel him starting, which he was.

I look at him, "I think someone's got a staring problem" I say giggling as I boop his nose. He smiled and laughed.


I was just looking at Gennie. Thinking about how beautiful she is. I noticed that she would glance at me every now and then.

She finally looks at me, "I think someone's got a staring problem" she says giggling. She's so cute. She boops my nose, which I smile and laugh at.

To be honest I'm not feeling going out after school with Hailey anymore, I'd rather go out with Gennie after school.

Not for any reason in particular just um you know Gennies.. funner.

Yeah, probably in be-

I can't think like that.

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