"Yeah, yeah...I'm fine." I mumble.

"Okay, whatever you say" he lets go.

We walk again. A minute later we're at the field. There's a few people here. Maybe 15.

Julia, Sophia, Sylvia, Annabeth, some other Athena kids. Maybe a few Apollo kids. My sister Brandy is also here...probably just flirting with someone.

Luke hands us both bows. He then gives us arrows. 

"Thanks" I tell him. Percy does the same.

"Okay, let's stand right in front of the entrance. So I can grab y'all more arrows if you need them." Luke suggests.

"Sounds good." Percy says. "Yep." I add.

We're at the station next to the Athena girls. Yay, Annabeth! I'm glad she doesn't find me annoying or anything. Our talk earlier made me believe it.

Brandy is on the other side of us. The Apollo kids are  a little bit away.

I'm gonna look stupid.

Percy was honestly right about this. Just mad because I'm not very good at it.

"Alright, you guys remember how?" He asks.

"Kinda" I respond.

"I do." Percy says. I roll my eyes at him and we all laugh.

He takes a few steps forward.

He pull back the arrow and misses horribly. "See? Perfect" we all laugh so hard it draws attention for a second.

Then it's my turn. "Okay, guys I don't wanna hear it when they misses even further than Percy's alright?"

I step up to where I should stand and pull the arrow back. I'm about to let it go when I can't. The only thing I can do is look down in shock.

An arrow has been driven right into my lower stomach.

I start to lose the adrenaline and shock turns to pure pain. "Fuck!" I drop the bow and arrow. My hands grip over where I've been shot.

Luke and Percy both run infront of me. 

"What the fuck?!" Luke yells. 

Percy grabs me then sits me down and I let him. I'm trying not to cry. It's got this sting in it. There's blood all over my hands. 

I look at my bloody hands than his. We're both covered in my blood. I pull the arrow out and curse about every word I can.

"Holy shit. You-how-y/n, you can't just...oh my gosh..." I lean back onto my elbows.

Suddenly there's a flash of movement in the corner of my eye. Then Luke takes off.

I just close my eyes. If I go to sleep maybe I'll wake up in a different world. One where I'm just a kid. Not some halfway god human mix.

"Y/n you have to stay awake." Percy's right in front of me. He's talking quietly.

"I don't want to"

"You need to."

"I really don't want to Percy."

"Come on Beach girl."

"I don't think I can..."

"Y/n. Stay awake, you have to. It's-it's just an arrow, right? Yeah. You'll-youll be fine. Okay? I promise."

Suddenly Luke is back and he's got Annabeth with him.

"I already told you it was an accident!" She holds her hands up. Luke looks angry.

Percy stands up over me.

"No, you're gonna explain what the actual fuck you were th-" she cuts him off

"Holy shit it got her in the stomach!" She comes toward me and reaches out. 

"Don't touch her!" Percy puts an arm in front of me. He looks her over quietly. 

Luke turns her back to him. "What were you thinking?"

She swallows. "It's not fair. You three get away with everything." She shakes her head. "It wasn't supposed to get into her stomach. It was-"

They start fighting but I can't listen.

I look down at myself again. I'm bleeding a lot still. I draw a shaky breath in.

I try and stand. I manage to get on my knees before it spins. By it I mean the world around me. It's dizzying.

Percy looks down. Annabeth and Luke are still fighting. I look up at him.

In that moment I feel tears well up. This is possibly the worst situation I've ever gotten myself into.

"Oh my gosh. We're idiots." He leans over and I think he's going to help me up onto my feet. Instead, he fully picks me up.

I slump my head back. "Y/n, I need you awake. Stay awake. Please."

I can't respond anymore. My blinks are long and it feels like this is all a dream.

"Stay awake. I see the tears. You can cry if that'll let you stay awake." 

I keep my eyes open and look at him. "Good. You're doing a really good job. Just hang in there a little longer, please."

"Woah, woah, woah" Mr.D is suddenly in front of us.

From the hove sounds I assume Chiron is to.

The next voice confirms he is. "We heard there was an accident at the Ar-" Percy cuts in.

"It wasn't an accident! An-Annabeth shoot her! On purpose!" 

"Miss Annabeth Chase? Shot her friend y/n l/n? On purpose?" Chiron confirms.

"Stop asking questions and help her! Please." The end is quiet.

"Take her to the infirmary, she-" Mr.D cuts Chiron off.

"Shut up Chiron. You know damn well she's past that. We have to..." 

"You're not suggesting we...?"

"Beach girl!" ( A Percy Jackson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now