The Deal

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I was not expecting to come to a clearing where beautiful crystals were. I was amazed to see a waterfall and it was emitting rainbows. The area was quite beautiful but then the laser pointed into the water fall. I knew there had to have been a cave behind the falls so I immediately ran up to see if my brother was in there. When we arrived however, there was no one inside but there were a tone of video games, a big Television, a fridge, treasures, and a couch. I noticed there was a desk but I was more amazed with the interior of the place. Grunkle Ford then called to me to take a look at the journal he'd found and then I knew exactly whose house this was. This was the black hooded figures home. As soon as I had that thought, all of us had heard an echoing voice behind us. We turned and saw it was the hooded figure. The candles that were around the place suddenly ignited in blue flames. I wasn't expecting the figure to be so short.

I watched as the figure used magic to fend us off and prevent Stan from stealing any of his treasure then the pieces finally clicked. This figure was Dipper, but something seemed extremely off about him. He told us we shouldn't be here. I was growing more concerned by the minute then Grunkle Ford tried to capture him but he ended up getting thrown. In that moment Dipper was ignited in blue flames. I got worried he'd get hurt but then the flames died down and revealed dipper but much more demonic looking. I shivered when I saw his eyes, his pupils were slits and had an eerie blue glow to them. Bill Appeared and looked at all of us unimpressed then said if we wanted to talk we'd have to talk to him. I watched as Dipper went and Sat on his couch then picked up a controller. While bill was busy with Ford I snuck my way over to him and attempted to talk to him.

"Hey, bro. Bro." I said with a nervous smile but he ignored me. "Whatcha playin." Still nothing. "Dipper, I'm sorry. I never knew you felt this way about me and about yourself." that sentence caused him to look at me and glare. "What would you know?!" He practically roared. I knew I had to stand my ground. "Dipper! I may not be as smart as you but I love you! I should have treated you better than I did." his shoulders relaxed if ever so slightly but then he just went back to playing his game. "I'm not your brother..." he muttered. "W-what?" I was shocked he'd said that. "I'm not your brother! I'm a demon!" He said causing his game to immediately shut off and he stood abruptly. "At least now I know why I was the black sheep of our family!" He said then disappeared in a black and blue flame. He reappeared outside then used his wings to fly off.

I watched as everything in the cave started to disappear. The only thing that remained was the two summoning banners. The journal I held was now gone and the cave despite its many crystals now felt so dark and scary. "Well, that went well." Stan said causing me to tear up and run after him. The other tried to stop me but I just kept running. In the end I never caught up to him and got myself lost. I sent my flare off again and the others eventually found me. I knew my face was covered in stains due to me sobbing while calling out for Dipper. "Why was your brother acting all crazy like that?" Wendy asked. I looked at her and then explained everything to all of them. Soos passed out, Wendy looked disgusted with Stan, Stan looked guilty, I teared up again, and ford was jotting something down in his notebook.

After I calmed down I turned to see what Ford was writing and found out it was the summoning circle that was similar to Bill's. I then remembered Dipper had the appearance of a demon and thats when it hit me, that circle was dipper's summon. I told Ford about my theory and he looked at me with a smile. "Let's test this out." He said then we made our way back to the shack. I figured if we were to summon him, we should summon him at our home and not in the creepy forest. We had no idea that the Norhtwest's were going to summon him first.

-at the manor of the NorthWests-

We have found ourselves in quite a bind since that pines boy ruined our fine manor and status amongst the townspeople. What's worse is that Pacifica has been sneaking out to visit the said hooligan and has developed feelings for him. We had decided that we did not want a child that would turn to the commoners but we had no way of killing her and getting away with it either. Gravity falls is a small town and if someone goes missing then it spreads. We then thought back to what Pacifica had said about the pines twins summoning a demon and defeating him. Preston had decided to go to another odd child who seemed to have knowledge on the demon we wished to summon. When he returned he was quite pleased. "I'm glad I went to the tent of telepathy rather than the hovel of a shack, that Giddeon boy was quite a gentlemen." He said making me roll my eyes. "Did you get the summoning paper?" I asked hastily. "Yes." He said. We then begun to draw the summoning circle and chanting the spell.

The force knocked us back and when we opened our eyes we saw a triangle floating. "Northwest's, to what do I owe the pleasure?" The maniacal thing said. "We want to make a deal with you." I said. "Hmmm. Okay, what could you possibly have that I would want?" The demon thought about something for a second. "You can have my daughter." The demon looked at us with an unreadable expression. "That's all? You have nothing to gain from me taking her." The creature said then shrugged. "I'll let my son deal with this." The triangle disappeared then the circle on the ground shifted into a different pattern. a burst of majestic looking blue flames appeared and then a familiar yet unfamiliar figure appeared. "You want me to take Pacifica off your hands right?" The young demon asked so we nodded. "You know your horrible people." He said then snapped his fingers and disappeared.

"How rude!" I huffed to my husband. "He seemed familiar in a way.." Preston had started. We then went to see if Pacifica was still here and we found her and her stuff was gone. I couldn't believe the little demon took her stuff too! I was planning to sell it for unreasonable prices! I sighed then grinned, well at least now I don't have to deal with that little brat and her dirty little friends. I walked to our bedroom and decided to take a nice warm soak in the Jacuzzi.

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