The Search Continues

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I had never talked to the kid Mable was so desperately trying to find but after Stanley and I had made peace, I knew what loosing a brother felt like. I saw a picture of him and felt like he seemed familiar for some reason but shrugged it off when Mable and the others had come to my lab. She told me her brother ran away and they had no way to find him. I decided to help and the more I spent time with Mable the more I wanted to meet this kid. I couldn't believe a twelve almost thirteen year old had been the one to write those fantastic notes in my journal. When I read his entries to the personal logs though they seemed a bit depressing. I had stopped digging in those logs. We had been walking all day after I had invented the tracking device but it was getting late so we had to make camp. I was in my tent studying the journal and the notes the boy had written then I heard Mable leave the campsite.

I thought she may have had to use the bathroom but when she didn't return for quite sometime, I got worried and started to look for her. I woke the others who weren't to pleased about it but they also seemed worried. We looked for a few hours then she appeared and said she saw something in the forest. The others went back to sleep but I wanted to know what she saw. She explained the sight she had seen about the black hooded figure, the Fairies, the journal, and bill. I was concerned hearing bill's name. how did she know him? I thought anxiously. She then explained that Dipper had made a deal with him once and the Dorito liked traumatizing the kid.  This made me upset when I thought about Bill's maniacal laugh. The next morning came super fast and Mable was already up and about to leave us behind if we didn't hurry.

We ended up following the laser for another half a day then happened upon a hidden waterfall deep within the gravity falls forest. I knew many places existed but this one I had no idea about. The waterfall was beautiful and emitted a rainbow that glittered. There were crystals everywhere in all shapes and sizes, the trees were hybrids between willow trees and pine trees. I had never seen a place like this before. The laser pointed up and through the water fall. "There must be a cave behind there." Mable said running towards it. When we got closer I noticed there was a burn mark on the side of the wall and cave entry. It was Bill's signature. There was also a Pinetree below it. I had a deep dread in my gut and grabbed Mable's shoulder. "Wait you guys, something's off." I said causing Stan to get that skeptical look in his eyes. The others looked at me with questions. "This mark is Bill Cipher's mark." Their eyes widened. "It seems the triangle is not alone, there is another mark here." I said starting to wrack my brain for clues.

I watched as Mable and Wendy Walked into the cave but they gasped when they saw the inside. There were video games, a couch, and a huge pile of treasure. there were two banners hanging on the back of the cave, one had bill's summoning circle but the other was empty. I saw a desk and then saw a black journal with a pinetree and Big Dipper on it. "Mable is this the journal?" I asked and she came over. "Yeah." She said then grabbed it, but as soon as she did we all jumped when we heard a voice behind us. "What are you doing in my house?!" The voice said. It sounded echoey but not quite like Bill's. "You!" Mabel said and pointed in a rather dramatic way, "You shouldn't be here." The voice said growing more agitated by the second. He then raised his hand and sent a blue fire ball towards Stanley. "Don't event think about it." The voice said then we watched as the treasure he had grabbed floated into the air and disappeared.

I had tried to sneak up on the figure that was talking to the group however, a certain triangle appeared and turned red. "Sixer. It's been too long." I paled upon hearing my name and seeing the demon with what appeared to be a physical form. "How?! You don't have the rift!" I exclaimed. "This Kid's magic is powerful and we've come to a good deal here." The Dorito said making my blood boil. I tried to grab for him but he moved out of my reach. I then reached for the hooded figure but he grabbed my wrist and flipped me over his shoulder. "Grunkle Ford! That is Dipper!" I heard Mable say as she was holding a vest and Pine Tree hat. I saw the figure freeze then turn his head towards Mable. "You shouldn't be here!" He screeched then blue fire balls appeared aimed at her. I tried to stop them but noticed that the kid missed on purpose.

"You're the young genius that wrote in my journals right?" This caused the kid to stop and look at me. "So what if I am? Sixer." My blood ran cold upon hearing that name and the first thing that came out of my mouth was, "bill?!" The figure laughed but then I heard Bill's voice from behind him. "Nope, that's all him but I like his change in attitude." Bill laughed along with what we now knew was Dipper Pines, my other Great Nephew.  "Guess I don't need the mask." He said taking it off and it vanished into nothing. I saw the kids eyes and they looked extremely creepy. "W-why?" I asked wondering why such a brilliant young mind would turn to a being of pure evil. "Why? You of all people should know Sixer. Mabel there was certainly my main reason to start but I have learned things about you. About what you did. About what I am." He grinned on the last part of that sentence and then he was engulfed in blue flames. We all watched as his form begun to change from that of a human to an Ice cold demon.

The fire had died down and Dipper had emerged. "Ring a bell now?" He said looking at me with a smile. I noticed the banner in the back now had a new summoning circle on it and then it hit me. This was the kid I had "rescued" from the nightmare realm. "Seems like it's finally sinking in." He said then turned and sat on his sofa. "I have nothing more to say to any of you." The kid said then picked up a game controller. I was about to talk to him but was stopped by Bill. "If you want to talk you're talking with me." He said. I had a feeling the brother Mable had wanted us to find had died the day he ran away....

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