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"GOODNIGHT, SEOUL!" RM yelled and the crowd cheered then I turned to Seungcheol, hugging his neck and kissing him.

"I LOVE YOU!" I yelled over the cheers and he grinned.

"ARE YOU CHOI SEUNGCHEOL?!" I looked over at the security guard and Cheol nodded.

"COME THIS WAY!" The guard yelled and opened the gate, letting the two of us slip through. I frowned, not sure what was going on, but the guards took us backstage and I laced my fingers with Cheol's.

"Cheol?" I whispered and he smirked back at me, waiting as one of the guards knocked on the door in front of us. It was that one who was super famous on social media for being perfect with BTS. The one who is definitely DILF material and protective of the group.

"I've got them, sirs!" He called and I heard a voice call to say "it's open". When the guard opened the door, Seungcheol led me in and I barely held in my squeak as I suddenly saw back and tattoos.

"Kookie, put your fucking shirt on!" A gruff voice yelled and I looked over, seeing Suga laying on a couch, a rag over his face.

"You can't even see me-"

"Kid got silent, you're half naked!" Suga argued and RM sighed, coming over.

"Are you Chan?" He asked as I gaped, but Cheol chuckled.

"He's a bit star struck, but yes!" He laughed and I glared at my boyfriend.

"You could have fucking told me what the hell you were doing, asshole!" I spit and Cheol looked so hurt.

"I'm replacing you with Rexy!" I huffed and he actually whined.

"What?! But-"

"You two are cute!" I looked at J-Hope and beamed.

"Hi, J-Hope-"

"Oh, him he speaks to!" Jimin scoffed, sitting in his chair with a fan, leaning to the right with his left leg over the right.

"What? He's my favorite!" I pouted and J-Hope's eyes went wide.

"Seriously?!" He asked and I nodded.

"You remind me of Cheol! Goofy, funny, happy a lot, and a big ass puppy!" I said and J-Hope's face split into a wide heart smile.

"I'm so happy I'm your favorite then! Best comparison I've gotten! See, Jungkook?! I do to have fans-"

"You have fans all over your house, Hobi!" Jungkook huffed, slipping on a t-shirt.

"I am so sorry for them! They're rowdy!" RM said and I giggled, hiding my smile a bit behind my hand.

"Hi, I'm V!" The man introduced himself and RM rolled his eyes.

"He knows, Taehyung." He said and I looked at Suga as he sat up, pulling the rag off his face.

"Uh oh, you woke him!" Jin suddenly said from his spot on the other couch, but I was gaping.

"Wait, why does he look like-"

"Yeah, I said the same!" Cheol laughed and Suga's right eyebrow lifted.

"Look like what?" He asked and I hummed.

"Our friend, Jihoon-"

"Ah, Lee Jihoon! I was wondering how you two managed this!" Jimin said and beamed.

"We love little Jihoon! Favorite producer!" He said and I frowned.

"It's actually kind of creepy!" I mumbled and Cheol looked at me.

"Baby, there are seven people in the world who look like you! It's basic genes. There are only so many variations of how someone can look." He said and I scoffed, eyeing him up.

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