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I left class then sighed, running a hand through my brown hair as I walked outside.

"Dino!" I lifted my head and looked over then smiled softly as I saw Wonwoo walking towards me.

"Hey, Wonwoo." I smiled and he sighed.

"Going to get lunch?" He asked, but I shook my head.

"No, I think I'm going to head to the library. I need to get some homework done and I have to focus, or I won't get it done at all." I said and he smiled.

"You're better than most as a first year. Well, go ahead. Do you remember the way?" He asked and I grinned, nodding at him.

"Yeah, I remember! Don't worry! I'll see you around though, right?" I asked and he nodded.

"See you later, Dino." He waved and I smiled, going to the library while he went to get food from wherever. When I got to the library, I sighed as I saw a lot of other students here then I went to the second story, finding a nice spot in the corner to study for a few hours.


I hummed to myself as I walked home then I gasped as someone ran into me, making me fall back.

"Oh, I'm- Hey, it's you!" I looked up and felt my heart stop as I saw Doek Min.

"You're Lee Chan, right?" He asked and grinned wide.

"Don't you remember me, Chan? We were in school together back in Daegu-"

"I-I'm sorry, no. Excuse me!" I said and stood, rushing off and hoping he didn't follow me. I took a deep breath as I finally stopped rushing then I looked around and eyed the salon I was next to, getting a stupid idea before I went in.

Seungcheol's POV
I sighed as I braced myself on the shower wall, letting the water slide down my back, then I heard the rambunctious laughter of the team and forced myself to get out and dry off.

"There's our Captain!" I smiled at Mingyu then he grinned wide.

"Thought we'd have to come fish you out of the river!" He joked and I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, have you seen Dino today?" I asked and Jihoon scoffed.

"Seungcheol, he's not a little kid anymore-"

"I just don't like that the guy who used to torment him is back in his life!" I said as I went to my locker, grabbing my briefs and sliding them on underneath my towel.

"No, I haven't." Mingyu answered me and I sighed, getting my jeans out and throwing my towel down.

"Hey, what's the deal with that Doek Min guy anyway?" I glanced at Jeonghan and sighed.

"It's... It's old news, but... He messed up Chan pretty bad back in Daegu." I said and pulled my jeans up, buttoning them and clasping my belt.

"How bad? Like, did he beat him or something?" Jihoon asked and I huffed.

"It's not my story to tell, sorry." I said and got my shirt on, getting dressed the rest of the way and going home with Mingyu. When we got there, I slowed as I saw someone with ash blonde hair on the couch and realized it was Chan.

"Did you change your hair?" I asked and he looked over his shoulder at me then grinned wide.

"Do you like it?!" He asked and Mingyu scoffed.

"It's amazing, Dino! Did you do it or get it done?" He asked and set his baseball bag down.

"I went to a salon. I've been wanting to change for a while, but it finally happened." He said and I nodded, going to my room to set my things down. When I grabbed my phone, I frowned as I saw Jisoo had texted me. Joshua Jisoo, not my ex-girlfriend.

Josh: Hey, I think that Doek Min guy was talking to Chan today. I'm not really sure, but I saw them outside my job and Dino ran off. 6:37PM

"Fuck!" I whispered and pocketed my phone, going to ask Dino, until I saw him laughing with Mingyu. No, Seungcheol, don't ruin his mood. Just keep your eye on him, it's okay.


"Hey, Chan!" I smiled at Seungkwan as he came over to me, waiting for me to pack up my bag and walk out with me.

"So, was it just me or did you not understand any of that?" Seungkwan asked and I laughed, nodding at him.

"I didn't understand a single thing! We can ask Vernon for help though! He's fluent in English!" I giggled and Seungkwan nodded.

"He's probably at the dorm, so we can head over there and ask." He said and I sighed.

"I wish, but I have to work on my history project! Plus it'll be easier if he helps us separately. So we don't overwhelm him, you know?" I said and he nodded.

"Sure. So, can I steal his help first?" He asked and I laughed.

"He's your roommate!" I grinned and he nodded.

"Right! I'll see you later, Dino!"

"Bye, Kwan!" I waved and shook my head at him, going to the library. I sighed as I went upstairs again then I sat, humming to myself as I got my things out and organized my notes.

"Hey, Chan!" I looked up and cleared my throat as I saw Doek Min and a couple of his friends, ice running down my spine.

"What do you want? Didn't you already kick me out of your dorm?" I asked and he grinned wide, grabbing the back of a chair and bracing himself on it.

"You know who I am, don't lie to me! I still remember you quite well, Lee Chan! The little freak who liked to wear girl's panties in Daegu!" He chuckled and I took a deep breath.

"I-I don't-"

"You don't have that high school guy here to protect you anymore, Lee Chan!" Doek Min grinned and I scoffed.

"Seungcheol is the captain of the baseball team-"

"And they're in practice right now! Meaning I have two hours of free reign to do whatever the fuck I want!" He said and I knew it. I knew he was going to hurt me. Before I could even scream, a big hand covered my mouth and I yelled out, fighting the beefy arm holding me now as Doek Min and his friends dragged me to the men's bathroom. Seungcheol, please! Seungcheol, help me!

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