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It was eerie, the sound of the heartbeat machine in the room, but it was comforting. That, plus the ventilator he was on was all comforting to me, telling me that he still lived, that Chan was still alive, despite being as pale as death. Seriously, he was making Jihoon look as tan as Mingyu! I looked over as the door to the room slid open then forced a smile as Jihoon slipped in, carrying a vase of flowers.

"I-I got sunflowers. He-he said once they were his favorites, so..." He trailed and set them on the small accent table that was by the window.

"Thanks." I whispered and looked at Chan's face. He had an oxygen mask over his nose and mouth, an IV in both arms, and the heart monitor wires went under his hospital gown to the sticky pads that were on him. The two IVs were for the detox thing. One fed him fresh blood, the other one took the contaminated blood out. The doctors said they wanted to flush his blood five times before they considered him fully detoxified.

"How... Anything?" Jihoon asked and I shook my head, sighing as I looked at him finally.

"And-and the cops?" I whispered, but he sighed.

"We haven't heard anything. Chan's parents got into town though. They-they refuse to stay at yours, so Mingyu is letting them crash with him and Wonwoo in their spare room." He explained and I nodded, looking at Chan now.

"And school?" I whispered, but Jihoon was silent. School was a touchy subject right now. Word had spread of Chan and how I wasn't leaving his side. It didn't take a genius to know that if someone had given Channie the pills, it was someone from school. But unless the cops found something or Chan woke up, we'd never know.

"Still the same." Jihoon finally said and I nodded, looking at the screen with Chan's vitals now as it started to beep. I had studied it enough when the nurses checked it to know what was considered normal. Right now, it was looking very abnormal. Right as I thought that, a sudden, shrill screeching alarm rang out through the room and I looked at Chan as he began to convulse.

"Chan?!" I yelled and shot up, grabbing his shoulder as Jihoon ran out to get a doctor or somebody.


"Out! Both of you, out!" A nurse yelled as doctors and nurses came in then the man started to shove me out.

"Let us work, okay?! Just go wait in the hallway!" He ordered and we went into the hall, but I looked through the window as Jihoon gripped my arm, both of us watching the staff work on Chan until that same nurse shut the blinds and cut us out.


I looked up as the door to the door opened and I shot up, hearing a few of the guys stand as well when they saw the doctor. He saw me then sighed, face looking grim.

"Please, is he-" I stopped as he stopped in front of me then I took in his look and knew. I knew!

"N-no!" I whispered, shaking my head, and he sighed.

"I-I'm sorry, son. He's slipped into a coma. We-we aren't sure what caused it, but we're keeping him on the ventilator until further notice." He said simply, but I barely heard anything aside from 'coma'. The wail that I let out was loud, screeching, and I fell to my knees in the hallway.

"Seungcheol!" Mrs. Lee sobbed and dad hugged me, holding me close to his chest now as I sobbed and clawed my dad's arm.


"I-I didn't tell him!" I sobbed as my head fell back on dad's shoulder.

"What?!" Dad asked me, trying to figure out what I meant.

"I never told him, dad!" I cried and turned, hugging him now.

"Tell him what-"

"That I love him!" I admitted finally, after six years, and dad's arms tightened more on me before he sighed and set a hand on my head.

"He knows, son! I promise you, Chan knows-"

"No, he doesn't!" We looked at Jihoon then I saw he was so fucking angry.

"He doesn't know, Seungcheol! Hell, he thought you only saw him as a kid brother or some shit! The reason he's been a fucking piss pot of attitude lately?! Because you began dating Ji Young and that fucking bitch has been nothing but rude and horrible to him!" He argued as I gaped at him.

"He-he... What?!" I breathed and Jihoon groaned.

"God, do I need to spell this out in fucking big ass billboard letters?! Lee Chan loves you, Choi Seungcheol! He loves you, but he doesn't see that you apparently love him! None of us saw it, because you never showed it! And your girlfriend?! Ji Young?! She went after you because she found out Chan loves you and she made it her personal mission to date you so he couldn't!" He yelled and looked at the doctor.

"You said that there's a chance someone gave him the pills?! Tell the cops to look into Ji Young! We were trying to before Chan did this! She's had it out for him since before she started dating Seungcheol!" He snapped and looked at me then gave me a glare that terrified me.

"If Chan ever wakes up, I will fucking murder you myself if you don't tell him the truth!" He snarled and I nodded, sniffling as he shook his head.

"Alright, enough! Let's go, all of you!" Momma said and ushered everyone except for the Lees and myself out of the hospital hallway. I went back into Chan's room then reclaimed my seat, gripping his hand tightly as his parents sat on the couch by the back wall.

"Hey, baby!" I whispered and brought his hand up to my mouth, softly kissing his knuckles.

"The uh... The doctor said this would help bring you back! So, so listen to me, okay?!" I whispered and scooted closer to his bed.

"I love you, Chan! I love you so much! I love you like- Not like Mingyu and Wonwoo, because that's... But I love you like Chan! I want- I want to hold you, Channie, and kiss you! I want to be able to wake up beside you and tell you you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and laugh with you at the dumbest things!" I breathed, my voice wavering now as I stared at his face. It looked so lifeless.

"But you-you have to wake up, baby! You need to wake up, so I can... I can do all that! So we can go out on da-dates and stay in for movies and-" I broke as I started to cry then I shook my head and set my forehead on his knuckles, crying for a moment before I sucked it up and sniffled, looking at him again.

"I need you, Dinosaur! I can't live without you, baby! So please, please! Come back to me, okay?! So I can tell you these words and you can remember them!" I begged and held his hand to my mouth. His fingers are so cold!

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