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"That's him!"

"What even is he to Seungcheol?!"

"I heard the admin refused to do anything to Seungcheol!"

"He's so bland though!" I flinched as I heard the comments thrown at me then I ducked my head and plowed my way through anyone stopping me from getting to the baseball field. When I got there, I sat on the bleachers and sighed, putting my earbuds in and grabbing my homework. About fifteen minutes later, I saw the team come out ready to practice and smiled softly as I saw Seungcheol. He looked over at me then waved and I smiled, waving back.

"Excuse me?!" I heard and pulled my earbud out, smiling as I saw the tour guide lady from my orientation. Ji Soo, I think.

"Yes?" I asked and she smiled some.

"Hi, you probably don't remember me, but I gave you the tour during orientation-"

"I remember." I smiled and she beamed.

"Great! I realized I forgot to have you sign some stuff, so I thought I'd get you to sign it really quick. If you have a few minutes?" She asked and I nodded.

"Sure, of course!" I said and stood, holding my books as I followed her down the bleachers.

Seungcheol's POV
"LET'S GO, GUYS!" I yelled and got ready to pitch, when I saw Chan walked down the bleachers with Ji Soo. I frowned and watched them, noticed Ji Soo give me a look, then she took Chan into the athletic building.

"Seungcheol?! Pitch, man-"

"Mingyu, pitch for me!" I yelled and he blanched, but caught the ball when I tossed it to him and went after Ji Soo and Chan. I went into the athletic building and looked around, listening for them.

"Stop, please!" I heard and looked right, frowning as I saw the locker rooms, a few storage closets, and a janitor's closet. I approached the closets then opened them, but they were empty.

"I didn't do anything to you! Stop it!" I heard from the girl's locker room and took a deep breath. That's Chan! He's in there!

"Chan?!" I yelled and heard the locker room get quiet. I could hear hushed voices, though I wasn't sure what they were saying, then a girl voice called out.

"Sorry, no one by that name is in here!" She called and I frowned. I'm pretty sure I heard Chan in there.

"Okay!" I called and backed up, stopping for a moment. I walked down the hall then stopped, slipping my cleats off and tiptoeing back to the locker room.

"See what you did?! Now the fucking Captain is here trying to find your little stupid self! You're worthless, nothing! He doesn't care about you!" I heard Ji Soo growl, and I took a deep breath. No, Cheol, you need to hear Chan! You have to hear Chan before you can go in there!

"We'll make sure he never looks at you again!" I heard a third voice then whimpering.

"SEUNGCHEOL!" Chan screamed and I barged into the locker room, going to find Chan. When I found him in the back, I saw Ji Soo holding a curling iron and five other girls holding Chan down, his face covered in tears.

"LET HIM GO!" I yelled and ran over, shoving the girls back. When one knocked into Ji Soo and she dropped the curling iron, I hissed when it brushed my leg and realized it was on, burning hot, and looked at Ji Soo.

"You were going to burn him?!" I asked as I held Chan, who was gripping my shirt and crying.

"Why is he so special, Cheol?! I was your girlfriend-"

"You fucked the coach, Ji Soo!" I yelled and looked at Chan, brushing his face off.

"Come on, Channie! Let's get you out of here!" I said and he nodded, standing with me.

"You just keep getting into trouble, huh?" I tried to joke and he managed a smile as we left the locker room.

"Seungcheol?!" I looked over and saw Jeonghan then he saw Chan and his face turned grim.

"Come on." I said and Chan sniffled, following me to the field. When we sat down on the bleachers, I saw Mingyu pitching and Jihoon was up to bat. Jeonghan came over then sat in front of Chan, handing him a water.

"Why does everyone hate me?!" Chan sobbed and I sighed, setting my chin on his head.

"I don't know, Chan!" I sighed and looked at Jeonghan.

"What happened?!" He breathed and I huffed.

"Ji Soo happened. She took him to the locker room and was going to burn him. He screamed my name, and I went to help him, Jeonghan." I said and he nodded, looking at Chan then me.

"She was pretty obsessed with you-"

"I'd still be dating her if she hadn't fucked my coach, Jeonghan!" I scoffed and he nodded, setting a hand on Dino's knee.

"We're here for you, Chan! Just remember that, okay?" He offered and Chan nodded, sniffling as he held the bottle.


"Are you doing okay?" I looked at Cheol and nodded, smiling at him as he handed me a tea.

"Yeah, just wish people would stop messing with me!" I sighed and he chuckled, sitting beside me.

"So, is now a bad time to ask you something important?" He asked and I hummed.

"Mingyu is finally moving in with Wonwoo. They've been dating since before freshman year, so it's just- Anyway, that leaves me with this place and an extra room. I know you still haven't found somewhere permanent to live, so did you... want to move in with me? You know, for good?" He asked and I couldn't think of the right answer. I mean, it was yes, but I wasn't sure how to say it without exposing my itty bitty, little, tiny, absolutely small crush on him. What does one say when the guy they've been in love with for the last five years says 'hey, move in with me for good!'

"Uh, Chan?" He called and I blinked, realizing then I was just staring at him.

"I get it if you don't-"

"Yes!" I breathed and his face lit up.

"Yes? Like, you'll move in with me?" He asked and I nodded.

"I'd love to live with you, Cheol!" I said and he grinned, nodding now as he chuckled.

"O-okay! Okay, yeah! Great! I'll uh... We'll start looking for places, and... And you'll need a job and- Yeah, awesome!" He said and stood, clearing his throat and going to his room. When he was gone, Mingyu came out of the kitchen and snorted.

"Does he know?" He asked and I looked at him to see he was deadly serious.

"No." I whispered and he nodded.

"Well, maybe you moving in with him will make him see that." He said and went back into the kitchen as I tried to figure out how the hell Mingyu of all people realized my feelings before Seungcheol.

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