Episode 37

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"Blood is coming out of my private parts and I don't know what's really happening", Sarah told me with a sad face.I smiled.

" That's shows now you are becoming a mature girl and you shall be getting it every month, it is called menstruation and any mature girl or woman do get it everymonth.

"So that means you also get?", she asked me looking curious." Yes I do get it monthly", I told a sister who so much worried.I reached my bag and removed some pads which I always carried in my bag ,"When you start having menses you should use this,they are called pads and you can find them in the shops",I told her much to her relief .I showed her how to use them and gave her a few sachets.She was very happy as she was no longer scared as she understood what was happening with her body."Do you have a boyfriend ",I asked her as I noticed her hips were too becoming bigger and more round.Her breasts too were becoming visible from outside." Yes,I have a boyfriend who is a classmate",she shyly told me.I smiled to put her at ease,she was in class 7."So what are some naughty things you do with him",I asked Sarah ,who stared to me like a ghost."Naughty things?,No,I don't do bad manners",she replied a thing that made burst with laughter,I could tell from his eyes she was cheating ."Come on Sarah ,am your big sister for heaven sake you don't have to hide anything from me",I told her as she composed herself like ready to say something. "OK,he only caresses my breasts and my thighs a little when we are alone,he also tries to caress my pussy but I always refuse him to touch it", Sarah told me being honest."Does it feel nice when he does that?", I asked feeling curious. Sarah just smiled and said " somehow".

We were still having girl to girl talk when finally mom arrived,she came directly to our bedroom and hugged me for moment. Seemed she had really missed me.We talked so many things,while still at the bedroom and we were all happy.

"Sarah ,have you started getting your monthly periods?", Mum asked Sarah pointing at pads which were next her." Yes mum infact it started in the morning ",Sarah replied." And why didn't you tell me ?",she asked."Don't worry mum I have told her everything she needs to know about it and I have given her some pads",I told my mum."Hope you have even told her if she tries to have sex with a boy or any man she will get pregnant",Mum said as the room went silent for moment,before everybody bursting into laughter."She now knows ,one prick and your virginty is gone and become pregnant or get infected with HIV" I said looking at Sarah as my mum nodded to aprrove my statement." Ooh girls am hungry what are we eating ",I asked trying to change the topic as I stood to start evening duties in preparation for Christmas next day.

That evening after we finished preparations for next day we cooked supper and enjoyed ourselves." Where are those sweet melodies coming from",i asked Sarah,the melodies were penetrating me if I may so..soothing my heart to the mood of Christmas. "There is church kesha at Ndakaini fellowish center ", Sarah told me.It was about a kilometer from home." I need to go",I said. "Am in too you can't leave me here sister", Sarah said jumping with hapinees,you know teens and darkness is like the same thing." OK,if you have to go let call for you the bodaboda who carries me so that he may take you and when kesha is over he will bring you back",Mum said and immediately called the boda rider who was at the get within no time.

The church was lively and lovely as we sang Xmas praise songs hymn by hymn led by team of experts who made them so sweet and so real until I felt closer to God for the first time before I was interrupted by a boy who gave me a written note.

"Hello grace,its Sammy your former classmate..please come out I need to greet you", the note read.Who could forget Sammy,they were the only people who owned a car in the whole village when we were in primary school.His father is a rich man.

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