Episode 36

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"Beb ,not that I don't have feelings for you,I do and liked from the first day you confidently came to where I was standing and asked my number",I told Tony politely and romantically as i caressed his shoulders.He seemed relaxed and was keenly listening to me attentively."Tony you are handsome guy,energetic and full of life and that's why my honey pot is paining this morning ", I told him jokingly a thing that made him smile and gave him back his ego and pride." But you did a mistake somewhere ,you never minded to know my status,if am HIV + or not or if I have an STI or not,Tony you don't even know me,Except my name,you don't where I come from or what I do",I suddenly told him as I stood from his laps and walked towards the window."Its upto you to do decide if you want to life or die because am infected with a killer Virus,a Virus that has no mercy ,that is irreversible when it gets into your blood",I told Tony as I turned to look at him.His face had changed to pale and his eyes were burning red."Within now and 72 hours you have a chance to redeem yourself Tony if you agree to walk with me at hospital, you confirm my status if you think am lying ,and the the doctor will advice on how to prevent the virus to penetrate into bloodstream",I said crocodiles tears running down my cheeks.Tony stood up wore his shoes then looked,"Its true grace I did a mistake,I never thought you are sick ,Oooh my God am so selfish let's go the hospital now,I don't want to get Aids".Tony told me with such a sad voice as i laughed with the corner of my eyes.

At the hospital, We met a female doctor who was around 50 "how can I help you my children", she asked as soon as she welcomed us to seat down.Tony wanted to talk but I cut him," we want to know HIV status daktari", I told her with a smile.we looked more of couple.She was happy to hear that But Tony looked tensed and anxious until the doctor noticed. "Young man there is no need of being so tensed just relax,if turns out you are ve+ or ve- there is still hope for life", the doctor told Tony with a beautiful smile,but Its only me who knew what was bothering him.

Our blood samples were taken after about 10minutes the doctor gave us the results." Results shows that both of you are ve-",she told us all smiles.I sighed in relief at least the idiot is not positive. Thank you doctor.I stood opened the door and left ,Tony followed me looking confused,"Hey Grace what's the meaning of this,you said you Positive and then result says you are negative can you explain to me what's this clap all about",Tony told fuming with anger. "They were all lies,all I wanted to know your status,am not sick ,now if you don't mind I need to do some shopping for my parents am going home for Christmas holidays tomorrow ,you got what you wanted yourself ", I told him as I diverted to a Naivas supermarket in town ,I thought he would go his way but he followed me.He offered to pull a trolley for me as picked items from shelves.We went to clothes section and I bought beautiful expensive clothes for my mum and siblings. I had two sister and brother who was our last born.I ensured I bought clothes for each." Who is paying all this and who is carrying them home for you",Tony asked after he noticing I had done an over shopping,"Do I look bankrupt ",I asked him with a smile.He just looked at me without saying a thing.All this time I was still thinking how would punish him for forcing his way into my panties and he was still busy following me"some men are shameless..."I thought to myself.

At the counter ,the bill was added up to 51000 thousand.Tony couldn't help but look at me,like suggesting I return some items ," I want to pay via the Till number ",I told the cashier who guided on how to do it.

"Madam do you have a car", A supermarket attendant asked after packing my shopping intact.Now that got with a surprise...so my shopping warranted me to own a car mmmh.." No I will use a taxi just help me put it outside.

I looked around for a taxi guy outside who looked young smart and handsome for obvious reasons ,"How is much to Ndakaini ,infact just past the Ndakaini dam", I asked the taxi guy who introduced himself as Moses"8000 thousand,you know its on a.holiday and there is a lot of traffic",Moses told me trying to convince me why he was charging me that high ."OK I will do 7000 thousand ,load this shopping for me.Money was not an issue to me and even Tony had witnessed it a thing that made him think I wasn't just an ordinally girl.

"Tony I will call you when I arrive have a good day thank you for the assistance", I told him as I boarded the taxi.He was totally confused by dramatic events of the day which may be were not his plans for me.He just there as he watched us vanish.

I was feeling good that I was going home for a second time with taxi in a span of one month but in the inner me I was not at peace because I never wanted mum to know I had left my Maid Job and re united with Karanja ~my dad for that matter and that I was living with him.She would very mad at me.I had a lot of thoughts until moses noticed," What's is this you are thinking so hard at your age madam",he asked as he changed lanes to join the thika gatanga road,I looked at him for moment.."so you want suggest young ladies like me shouldn't think",I asked him."No,thinking is normal but I have noticed since we left Nairobi you have been silent and thinking something very hard.I laughed."No, its nothing ",I lied.

"People from this area must be very rich", Moses commented after seeing huge tea plantations .Moses said trying to change the the topic" Yes ,many of this plantation's are family businesses, so instead of portioning the land they employ a farm manager to manage the plantations instead and they share profits,that's the secret",I answered him as the idea to buy land and plant tea came into my mind.On top half a million given by Monica I had another 150,000 which I had saved from the money Stanley used to give me though I had used some.I did my maths and realised if I successfully blackmail Stanley I would be in a position to own a two acre land with tea bushes and would be a very big investment which I could reap in my lifetime.

"Madam you are back to thinking again ,make sure u don't forget to direct me properly as you can see we are already seeing the ndakaini dam now", Moses told me after realising I was lost deep thought again.

" Don't worry at times its good to build a mansion in the dreamland",I answered him as signalled him to divert on marram road which goes to my our home. "Moses is this car yours or you just employed?", I asked him," no it is not mine am employed. "OK, work hard next time you drive me in yours", I told him jokingly as he drove inside the compound.I reached for my bag and gave him his money .

Moses opened the boot and helped me remove the shopping ,there seemed to be no one in the compound." Moses can you hoot this car of yours may be they fell asleep after lunch ",i told moses .He went to

steering and hoot twice and thats when i heard doors start opening as my sisters overtook my brother who was leading at the time,they very happy to see me,they all hugged me and jumped up and down like tied dog when given freedom." Moses I told you,they were sleeping",I winked at moses."Madam thanks ,but I have to leave", he told me.

"Won't you wait we check something we can eat in this house", I asked him." No let me go ,thank you for your kindness",he told as he reversed his car.I waved him goodbye and he left."Welcome sister you grow beautiful, Sarah who we followed each complimented me."Where is mum?" I asked Sarah."She is in the farm,she will be happy when she gets to know you are here",Sarah told me."Sister there is something I want to ask you please follow me to the bedroom",Sarah told me and I followed her..wondering what she really wanted to tell me.

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