Chapter 6

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Gavyn looks shocked. He had attempted to reach out and catch me but unfortunately wasn't fast enough.

Claudia looks horrified. Whether that's because I've ruined my dress, embarrassed myself in front of a gorgeous man, or because it happened in front of so many people, I'm unsure.

I force myself to laugh a bit in an attempt to lessen the tension, even though my cheeks are blazing in shame. Of all the people this could happen in front of, just my luck it was Gavyn.

Claudia hauls me up from under my arms. I slip a bit again, but she keeps me steady. Gavyn looks like he wants to reach out and grab my arm, but he keeps his hands fisted at his sides.

"Oh, Princess," Claudia hisses, glancing between Gavyn and me. I can't tell if she catches my infatuation with him or not. "Shall we get you cleaned up?"

Unsurprisingly, my dress is soaked from the water and now caked in mud all over the skirt. I nod, too afraid to speak yet. Nothing could save me from this mortification.

"We have to keep you away from your mother's eyes," Claudia mutters. "She'll kill me if she sees you like this!"

"I can help," Gavyn offers, stepping forward. I find myself nodding, even though I want to run and hide until the humiliation wears off.

Claudia accepts, and instructs him to use his height to keep an eye out for the Queen.

I'm surprised when we make it to the castle without any issue. We didn't see my mother, my father, or Harold. Good. The less questions, the better.

We make our way around to a side door, as entering from the front would put us on display to the whole Festival. This door is also the closest to my wing.

Claudia chatters nervously, brainstorming what she'll put me in to replace the peach dress. We're both nervous. She's nervous of getting caught. I'm nervous because Gavyn is here.

And then we're in my chambers. Gavyn is in my chambers. He does not enter my bedroom, though. I glance back before the door closes behind me, and catch his eye. By the gods, he is in my chambers!

The scandal! He could be punished for this! Luckily no one else would be anywhere near my wing right now. The only people anywhere in the castle at this time would be the kitchen staff, and the kitchen is very far from here.

Once we enter my dressing room, Claudia wastes no time tearing off the outer layers of my clothes. The skirts were so thick, thankfully nothing became dirty below my petticoat. I'm stripped down to my corset, chemise, and drawers.

"We'll just tell your mother you got overheated in the peach gown," Claudia says, mostly to herself.

She begins rifling through the pieces hung in color-coordinated rows. She groans, clearly displeased. "None of these are even remotely appropriate for an outdoor Spring celebration!"

I theorize that she is being overdramatic, but I would never say that to her. Clothing is her expertise— I am simply an admirer and model for her.

Finally, she throws her hands up. "I'll have to pull from the main wardrobe. I hope your mother doesn't notice during inventory. I'll be right back!"

She doesn't wait for me to respond. I hear the door close, and continue skimming through the choices in my dressing room.

I doubt my mother will even notice I had an outfit change. Days like today, she's much too busy holding court in a tent on the Festival grounds. Even at breakfast, she was focused on last minute preparations. I'm not sure she looked at me at all.

The door to my bedroom clicks open. It would be impossible for Claudia to make it all the way to the main wardrobe, near my mother's wing, and back by now. "Princess?" a deep voice calls out.

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