Chapter 5

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The Festival will undoubtedly be splendid. My mother and her ladies in waiting have been planning it since last Spring, and staff have helped us prepare the last few weeks.

I planned to use this time as a way to ground myself, but instead I find myself distracted again and again.

Gavyn has managed to find himself off duty below my window day after day, training with his fellow guards. How I've received such a stroke of luck, I do not know.

Orchestrating as much contact as possible, Claudia and I happen to walk past this group quite regularly. The view from my window wasn't enough. I couldn't see the gold of his eyes from up there.

The gold of his eyes finds me plenty. I am pleased when I catch his attention each time I'm near. Perhaps he also wonders if his eyes match my hair.

Claudia pretends not to notice. After the time she suggested I seek pleasure from a guard, she's not said anything similar since. But by the gods, I think of it every day.

Harold has only sought me out for copulation once since that night. It was just as unpleasant. I am not yet pregnant. I have considered asking Anika about fertility tonics.

But maybe most importantly, I've been finding ways to build repoire with Harold's mother. She is rather excited about the prospect of us visiting after the Spring Festival. She has brought it up countless times in our exchanged letters.

Perhaps I should be more focused on building my credibility as a future queen. My father refused to let me join the council meeting today, but I hope he's willing to debrief me still.

That's how I find myself sweeping down the hallway to his council chambers. Lost in thought, I don't notice anything peculiar until I'm right next to the door.

There's two sets of guards waiting outside. Is my mother attending today's meeting? That's unheard of.

The door opens right on time. Men of the court, including Saint Varis, exit while talking quietly amongst themselves. My stomach drops as an unexpected figure makes his way out.

Harold. What is Harold doing in a council meeting? And one I was banned from, at that!

Though it's impossible that he didn't see me, he doesn't acknowledge my presence. He simply makes his way down the hall, his guard at his feet.

Before I can storm into the chamber, I practice my grounding. I've gotten much better with regulating my emotions. A woman with strength of mind, indeed.

With as much grace as I can muster, I enter the chamber. No one is left but my father and his council secretary, who seems to be binding the agenda and notes for storage. My father is surprised to see me and it's delightful.

"Father," I greet, a saccharine smile on my face. "I came to request a summary of today's meeting." I waste no time. "I noticed Harold on his way out. What reason would my consort have to attend a council meeting that I am not attending myself?"

For possibly the first time in my life, my father shifts in his seat from uncertainty. "Yvette, my dear. I found it appropriate to introduce the future king to my council."

No more explanation than that. He is king after all, and does not need to answer to anyone. But I am the future queen.

I maintain my serene expression. "How hospitable of you, father. I expect that next meeting, my consort and I may participate together, to prove our cohesion as future sovereigns of the kingdom."

His gaze narrows. My words dance along the lines of impudence and logic. "A wonderful idea, my daughter. Your wisdom brings great promise for the future."

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