- Chapter Four -

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It feels like I've been in this cell for an eternity, and my stomach has been growling for the past hour. My body still trembles slightly, not knowing what to do with the pain. My thoughts are scattered, and I can't concentrate. I need to figure out where I am and who these men are. Theo.. and.. Anthony?

I try my best to squeeze my eyes shut and just sleep. I want this nightmare to end. What did he say? "Anthony doesn't do well with misbehavior." What the hell is that supposed to mean? I'm not a dog, and I can sure as hell tell you I won't be acting like one either.

I really wish Fea hadn't left me. I really wish that Uber would have come, and I really wish I had picked a different alley to puke in. I whimper softly as I think about all of the different outcomes last night could have come to that weren't this.

I mean, I could be dead, right? Maybe this is hell, and life has finally caught up to me. I'd definitely deserve it.

I jump suddenly as I hear the same metal door squeal open. I groan at the sudden movement and pick myself off of the floor. I corner myself in the cell and listen as heavy footsteps approach once more. Theo? No, these don't sound the same.. these steps sound.. angrier.

A man appears at the cell door, unlocking it quickly before entering. I whimper as he approaches me, shielding my face with my arms. This man is tall, dressed in a black suit. It's hard to see his face, but I recognize it instantly.

"Y-you.." I whisper as I slowly lower my arms.

This was the creep from yesterday! The man standing in that weird group of people. It all comes flooding back to me as my memory returns. The murder, me running away, and someone smashing my head against the wall. I squint as I try to make out the rest of last night. Why was I in so much pain?

My jaw hangs open as I recall more and more events. This man.. he.. he was the one who was carrying me and laughing. He was the one who said I felt good. I feel the blood drain from my face quickly as I realize what had happened.

I had been raped by this man, and he was standing in front of me.

I can't help but have this cold pit in my stomach. I get another urge to vomit and squeeze my legs to hold myself stable. I feel sick and used, and I'm screaming inside. My body suddenly feels dirty and uncomfortable, and my breathing deepens while quickening.

He looks down at me on the floor as a small, sly smile creeps onto his face.

I'm starting to hyperventilate.

"Your name is Sabrina Wilde, 20 years old. Correct?"

I pause as tears well up. I let out a strangled sob and cover my mouth in awe.

"When I ask you something, I expect an answer." The man says as I heave. His smile quickly disappears as it is replaced with an icy look. My body trembles violently in his presence, and tears spill out of my eyes.

His voice is deep and demanding, and it's giving me a bad feeling.

I nod slightly, and he squats down to eye-level, just like Theo. He puts his hand out and lifts my jaw, inspecting my face. I feel as his hand shoots for my neck, gripping it quickly. My arms instantly grab onto his strong hand and forearm, clawing for release.

I gasp for air as my airway is crushed. Tears pour out of my eyes as I squeeze them shut. My mouth gapes open, and I beg to breathe.

"I said I expect an answer. Not a head gesture." He spits.

I am quick to answer.

"Y-yes.. that's me!" I croak, my voice audibly strangled.

"Good. Don't let me remind you again." The man let's go of my neck, and I gasp for air, coughing roughly. He stands up and lifts me up with him roughly.

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