Cold Sweat

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The human child didn't understand sign language.

All the apes here hoot and communicate with their calls. None spoke an ounce of English. That is what you thought when the ape on the horse climbs down, calling out 'Blue Eyes' and 'Ash' before embracing both in relief. Upon seeing Ash's wound, he believed that the human did this. Both apes stopped him before he mistook everything. The two seemed to calm down Ceaser. He soon allowed the two to walk off to those hooting and chirping them over. That was all you saw before others swarm around him. Seeing this, you figured to move on without a word being said.

That is till the same ape came towards you. He is stopping you by holding onto your jacket sleeve. To which he, after getting your attention, tries to sign to you. Observing to see if the human child understands. You did not.

"I'm sorry. I don't know sign language."

He paused. Seemingly trying to think of any other way, just making sure if this child knew sign language or not, resorted to his other choice. His voice.

"Home. Near?"

His voice was deep, and coarsed, yet you understood. Yet upon hearing it, you frown. Soon enough, shaking your head.

He hums, his people seem to swarm around Blue Eyes and Ash, and not long begin to ask other things.

"Why here? Far from human city?"

"My...uncle died protecting me." You tell him, squeezing your toy to which calms your nerves sorta, explaining a tad more."My aunty tried to hurt me. So, I ran."

Caesar could tell. Your clothes were torn, your shoes covered with mud and dirt, and your (H/C) was a slight mess. By the looks of it. He presumed you ran for long periods of hours. Possibly hitch ride something on the way here. Nothing less. He felt bad for the human child. Like humans were cruel to his people, they, too, were cruel to their kind. Even young innocent children.

Fiddling with your rabbit's ear, thinking of earlier, you didn't wish to hide the other part of yourself. Caesar didn't tower over you, nor seemed that threatening. He was actually on his knees. Eye-level with the human child. He grew curious as the small one held out their tiny human hand, and extended to the stream, noticing the child was in deep focus.

Ash and Blue Eyes noticed immediately what the small human was doing. They mentioned this to everyone, but they didn't believe them. They all thought they were illusion imaginations. Pranking them all into their lies for fun.

Caesar didn't move nor make a sound. He was raised by humans. He knew what they could and couldn't do, only he was taken back as the small human child managed to summon a small orb of stream water. Bringing it over to be near and better observed by him. Blue Eyes and Ash hooting alerted those to look towards Caesar. Now, they believed everything the boys just said.

"I believe my aunty was afraid of my new talent. I didn't do anything wrong. This just...happened."

That was partly true. This ability was discovered four days ago. The two other witnesses of this discovery were Uncle Henry and Aunty Dawn. One that wasn't afraid while the other was scared shitless, fearing that you may hurt them. Which, well, yeah..

The watery orb was gently set in your hands. It didn't burst nor break. It rather rippled a little as you allowed the monkey king to observe it. Caesar wasn't sure how you were able to do this. He didn't think nor knew humans could do this. All his fellow companions hoot and drew closer every passing second. They never saw this happen before. This was new to all of them. The child knew little of their ability, finding the ape known as Ash still bleeding and wounded, decided to send it towards his wounds. He of coursed freaks out. He thought it was going to hurt him. Once the child nears did he feels less pain. Ash stops his hooting to glance down at his chest in confusion and wonder. The pain slowly died away..

Forest Child [Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes!Various X Immune!OP!Child!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now