Red Oaks

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"How long do you plan to keep that...that thing here? Can't you see what it did earlier?Henry, that thing has to go-!"

A glass vase was thrown into the kitchen wall. In anger, frustration, fear, a toxic combination the poor I'll grey haired man balled his fist. Wrinkled and vieny. He was doing the best he could, for all he could do at this very moment, begins to pace back and forth from the shattered mess to the back balcony door. He didn't know what to do. Everyone believed everything would passed, they all comfirmed it would on the fucking news, only for this horrendous viel chemically manufactured flu to spread like wild fire. Roles began to change. Humans were failing over one by one as all different types of Simians rise...

Humans were no longer on top of the food chain. That spot belongs to Apes now.

"That thing is my sister's child! Her baby girl Dawn! She died ill with that flu and asked me, us, to raise them!" Henry was scared, livid, so much was spinning in his heart and soul, yet he wasn't done, he had more to say "I-I understand that the world we live in is ending like this. I even..I saw what happened out there to Dawn. We raised a g-g-good kid! Splendid!Brilliant!Fuck, top of her class too! That kid is my sister's biologically but she was raised by us by day one....I'm not getting rid of her. I'm keeping my fucking promise."

The elder woman was in disbelief, scared shitless and shocked even, fiddles with her once pearly clean sweater. The reoccurring memory of earlier being replayed over and over like a broken record in her mind. What she witnessed scared her. What she saw wasn't human. And the fact they raised it from day one, even after giving birth while mother was infected, was still clinging onto them like a leech. Taking care of a monster hidden from plain sight. And her husband? He was a witness to it too. Why wasn't he agreeing with her? Why? That thing is in the house. Any second it could pop in and kill them and all he cares about is that mother fucking promise from his deceased sister?

The child needs to fucking go. Now.

Henry paused his pacing as his wife grabbed a sharpe kitchen knife, the biggest one there was, to which begins to follow after her. Dawn set her mind up. She will take care of it. For the better good.


His pleads went unheard so he had to pin her down. Both elder bodies fighting to save a life over ending one. Dawn kicked and attempted to bite and ram her elbow into his sides. She did everything in the book. Henry enduring the pain in hopes to save both his wife and his child. He did all he could to keep her down, calling out her name repeatedly, only for Dawn to continue on fighting.

As much as he could, with all his strength, neither noticed the pitter patters of small feet come their way. The so called thing heard the commotion all the way up from their room. A big panda doll backpack filled with treats, books, and water in it. The child even was dressed up as if they were prepared to adventure the unknown. Clearly, finding both parent figures on the floor, they were confused on what was going on.

"Uncle Henry? Aunty Dawn? Why are you ruff housing on the floor?" They both then noticed you, one set of eyes was reeking with danger and the other worried for your sake, to only ignore the signs by tilting your head to the side cutely "Is that a knife in Aunty Dawn's hand? That's dangerous.."

Dawn, now seeing you before her, fought harder to be released. Henry didn't wish to do this but when he had the chance he suckered punch his dear wife. It didn't knock her out however surprised the hell out of her. She dropped the knife to which Henry tossed far away. Dawn was completely upset that it slide under the couch.

The child gasped "Uncle hit Aunty!" not long you tried to come down, eager to save Dawn "Bad Uncle Henry!Bad Uncl--!"

"(Y/N)!Stay away from us! Don't even come near-SHIT!"

Forest Child [Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes!Various X Immune!OP!Child!Reader]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ