"Athelas," Tauriel breathed, and grabbed the plant. "Athelas.". She brought it to her nose and breathed deeply. "You're in luck," she said. "With this, I can try what you wish. I will heal him."

"Excellent!" Óin cried out behind them, finally lowering the footstool he had grabbed. "I've always wanted to see elvish medicine."


Legolas followed Bolg across Laketown, ignoring, for now, the faces that peered out to stare at him, the elven prince running headlong past their doors, for seemingly no reason. Bolg stuck to the roofs when he could, the shadows when he couldn't, and much faster than any orc should have been able to run. Legolas alit on a small bridge and fired an arrow at Bolg's head. Bolg swatted it away with his hand, never slowing, and Legolas growled. He should have caught up to him by now.

He stopped by an open doorway, looking about him; Bolg was gone. He growled, low in his throat, but before he could turn and return to the others, he was struck from behind.

Legolas had his knives up before he had regained his balance, and he turned swinging. Bolg swatted his strikes aside like flies and Legolas kicked out. Bolg staggered back and unslung his bludgeon from his hip. Legolas sprang at him, not wanting to give him a chance, but Bolg had other ideas. His bludgeon caught Legolas in the chin and Legolas fell back, stunned. When he finally cleared the stars from his eyes, cursing at his inattention, Bolg was gone.

Legolas followed his trail to the edge of Laketown, and saw, on the far shore, Bolg making his way north. There was only one place he could be going in that direction.

"Gundabad," Legolas said to the wind. He had to be sure; if the enemy had managed to resurrect Gundabad, then Gimli would need to know.

"Is that where he's going?" Bard said from behind, and Legolas spun. He hadn't heard the bowman come behind, but he must have followed him from the house. That meant those inside were safe; Bard would not leave his children in danger.

"Aye," Legolas said, softly. "That is my fear. Tauriel and I will travel to Gundabad, once Prince Kíli is healed."

Bard nodded, and eyed the dark shape of the mountain in the distance. "Why bother, then?" he mused. "Why would Bolg bother with Laketown?" He shook his head, and turned back towards his home.

Legolas watched him go. Because they were here for you, he realized. Kíli was a an excuse, a bystander. To save the dragon, kill the dragonslayer. But Bolg had failed, and Bard still lived. What new devilry awaited them?

"Meleth nin, I pray I am wrong," Legolas said, and went to follow Bard.


"Hold him down." Óin ordered, grabbing Kíli's legs, and Fíli braced his brother's shoulders against the table. They'd lost the pillow in the scuffle, and his brother's hard head was now pillowed on a bag of walnuts. If—when Kíli lived through his, Fíli would never let him hear the end of it.

Tauriel began to chant over her kingsfoil poultice, the words dripping off her tongue like molten silver—no, he thought, like river water—icemelt on the first hot day, sharp and soothing at the same time.

Kíli seemed equally enraptured, though Fíli did not think Kíli saw truly. His eyes were open, staring with wonder. His dark eyes were pinpricks, and Fíli wondered what light he saw.

At length, Kíli gave a small cry and slumped back against the bed. Tauriel stepped back, off balance and a bit glassy eyed. Whatever it was, it was over. Fíli brushed Kíli's hair from his sweaty forehead. Already, color was returning to his brother's cheeks, though he still looked far from hale (and carried with him the stink of illness and rot. His brother needed a bath, and soon.)

Comes Around Again (Gigolas & Bagginshield)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz