Ch. 11 - A Cold Awakening

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I woke up with a start, a knot of panic forming in my chest. As my eyes adjusted to the dim light of the room I laid in, I realized I was lying in a bed that was far too luxurious for my taste. My heart raced as memories of the previous day flooded back into my mind.

The Syndicate, Ares, Alex...have I been kidnapped?

Before I could fully process the situation, I felt a sharp pain tugging at my wrists. I glanced down to see scratchy ropes binding my hands together in front of me. The discomfort only heightened my anxiety. I tried to shake myself free, but my efforts were in vain.

My breathing picked up and beads of sweat formed on my forehead. I had been too careless the other day, and it's cost me my life. Tears form in my eyes.

The realization only makes me panic more, I desperately moved around, twisting my wrists to try and free myself from its binds; it only cuts my wrists and it burns. I stop in an instant when I vaguely hear noise.

And then, the door creaked open, and in walked Theseus, the smug and sadistic right-hand man of Deathless and Ares. His mocking smirk sent a chill down my spine.

"Well, well, well...look who's finally awake," Theseus sneered, leaning against the doorframe.

I involuntarily flinched, a feeling of heightened panic washing over me. Theseus - the same guy that has killed so many people stands in front of me.

He took a step forward and I jumped again, my eyes widening in terror.

"Afraid of your own shadow, are we?"

My voice caught in my throat as fear gripped me, rendering me speechless.

My voice... it doesn't hurt anymore. I notice, I swore I would lose it when I wake up. Maybe it just needs a little bit of time to recover.

Theseus raised a brow, taking another slow step forward, jolting me back into reality. I shook in fear. I could feel my heart pounding against my ribcage, and I could swear it was about to burst out of my chest. Theseus's presence was suffocating, and the silence only amplified the whirlwind of emotions trapped within me.

Growing tired of my silence, Theseus took a few large steps back to the door and called out. "Deathless! The captive you wanted to keep alive is awake!" His mocking tone dripped with sadistic amusement.

Seconds later, Deathless entered the room, his presence commanding and his eyes twinkling with curiosity. He was the epitome of calmness, an unsettling contradiction to the violent world he ruled.

We stared at each other for a few painful seconds. I had to look away, his stare felt like it was burning holes through my face. The way he stared at me scares me; he's dangerous.

"Ah, Wilbur Soot. Or should I say, Ares?" Deathless mused, his voice smooth like silk. "I must say, I am quite intrigued by you, my dear imposter."

I couldn't help but shrink back, my hands instinctively ducking beneath the covers of the bed, their desperate attempts to loosen the ropes abandoned for now. Deathless's words sent a shiver down my spine. How could he know everything about me?

"Was that too fast?" He chuckled, "I'll start off with something else. How's that head of yours?" He suddenly asks, drawing my attention back towards him.

"It's...terrible." I say blandly.

He shook his head, a smirk on his face.


Why the fuck doesn't he have the Syndicate's signature black mask on? Why?

As if he could read my thoughts he answers my question. "I just don't expect you leaving this place alive."

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