Ch. 8 - Plan to Action

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I sit on the dusty and abandoned floor of the old factory. Puffy and I exchange looks while Alex and some guy named Jschlatt, who has the perfect power for our plan, argue.

Alex yells at the guy who towers over him. "Schlatt, we need your help. Our lives are on the line here!"

"And what does that have to do with me?" Jschlatt scoffs, "I'm not interested in getting involved in your petty problems.

Alex looks shocked and even hurt. "Petty problems? Dude, this is no time for jokes. This is serious."

"Serious? I see no reason to be serious about someone I don't even know. Who's this Wilbur guy anyway?" He gives me a cold look. I just smile and wave.

Alex rolls his eyes, folding his arms, "Wilbur is the key to our plan. We need him to distract the Syndicate while we break into their house."

Jschlatt furrows his eyebrows and laughs, "So you expect me to use my powers to help some stranger and risk my own safety? Sorry, but I don't see the benefit in that."

Alex shakes his head, desperately trying to convince the strange man in front of us. "It's not just about Wilbur, Schlatt. If we don't act now, they'll come after us next. We need to stand together, or we'll all be in danger.

Jschlatt mockingly leans downwards so he's the same height as Alex. "Stand together? Since when did you become the hero type, Quackity?"

Alex makes a face, "I'm not a hero, Schlatt. You out of anyone would know that. But I know when the stakes are too high to ignore. I won't let you get us killed because you're nickname is fear."

Jschlatt smirks angrily, "Fear? I'm not afraid. I just have no interest in meddling in other people's affairs."

Alex grabs onto Jschlatt's arm desperately. "Jschlatt, listen to me. We're running out of time. The Syndicate won't rest until they have what they want." Jschlatt pulls away from him. "We have a chance to stop them, but we need your power."

Jschlatt hesitates and the room is silent, the echoes finally stopping. He starts again, quietly. "And what guarantee do I have that this plan of yours will even work? I'm not risking everything for a gamble."

Alex then smirked, "You out of everyone love taking chances. We've gambled before." I can tell Alex is trying to lure him, "Are you seriously that afraid?"

Jschlatt pauses again, "Fear doesn't hold me back. I just value my own safety above all else."

Alex folds his arms, "Jschlatt, we're friends. Friends help each other, even when it's not convenient. Are you really going to turn your back on us?"

"Friends!"Jschlatt repeats hysterically, he leans closer to Alex, who takes a step back. "Is that what we are, Quackity? Friends?" The words are like poison to his tongue.

"Then what the fuck are we, Schlatt? You answer me."

Jschlatt just looks away, clenching his fists until his knuckles turn white. I look at Puffy, who just glares at Jschlatt and leans forward as if she'd jump in to defend Alex at any second.

Alex's signature shit-eating grin is on his face again. "I'll pay you."

Jschlatt raises a brow, urging Alex to continue.

"Name a price," Alex continues to smirk, "I'll bring it to you."

Jschlatt relaxes his fists, "Alright, fine. I'll help."

Alex cupped Jschlatt's shoulder, "Thanks, Schlatt. I knew I could count on you!"

"Yeah, well, you shouldn't. Don't expect me to stick around if things get too dangerous."

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