Ch. 7 - Life a Lie

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I groaned in pain, clutching my broken ribs as I struggled to catch my breath. The encounter with Dream had left me shaken, but now I had a newfound sense of urgency. I'm confused why the hell Dream actually stopped. And why my throat literally burns. But I needed to get out of here and warn Sally before it was too late.

As I slowly rose to my feet, my side screaming in protest, I glanced back at Dream. His eyes were wide with shock, and for the first time, a flicker of fear seemed to consume him.

"You... you have powers?" Dream stammered, stepping back cautiously. "How?"

I didn't have time to answer his questions, mostly because I have no idea what happened either. It couldn't have been my powers, right? I don't have any. Is someone else here?

My mind was racing, and then, all I could think about was getting to Sally before any harm could befall her.

Hunching over in pain, I stumbled towards the end of the alleyway, desperate to find a way out. Every step felt like a dagger in my side, but I refused to let the pain slow me down.

Out on the street, I fumbled for my phone and dialed Sally's number.

"Sally! You need to listen to me. Leave the apartment right now. I think someone might be coming for you."

Sally's voice came through the line, filled with annoyance. "Wilbur, can't you see I'm busy? I don't have time for your ridiculous stories."

I shook my head as if she could see me. "No, no, you're no listening! Something happened and I need you to leave now. Right now."

"Leave me alone right now, Wilbur, I'm not fucking with you." She hisses through the phone.

Panic surged through me as she hung up. I knew I had to do something, and fast. I scrolled through my contacts, my trembling fingers finding Alex's name. Should I call him? He's the only one who can help me. Sally just won't fucking listen! But Alex doesn't like her. I grit my teeth and call him.

"Alex, thank God you answered," I said breathlessly as he picked up. "Something... weird just happened. Dream hurt me, and now he's following me."

Alex's voice crackled with anger. "You ignored my call earlier, Wilbur. I'll kill you if you do that again. Not to mention how you left last time I saw you. Do you have a death wish? Why should I even help you? Maybe I should just let Dream throw you in jail."

"It's that substance! Dream, he... he wants that golden substance! I didn't answer him and I think he broke my ribs!" The recognition brings a rush of pain through my side.

"Wait, what? Wilbur, what the fuck did you do? I'll shoot you in the head!" He screams, and I don't miss the panic in his voice.

I ignored his threat, my concern for Sally overriding everything else. "Where are you, Alex? I need your help to protect Sally."

A silence hung in the air before Alex finally responded, his voice heavy with resignation. "Fine. Where are you?"

My body is screaming for me to stop moving, but I refuse. "I don't know, uh..." I push past some people, who yell at me, but I keep going. "I think I'm near the middle of city? Well, I was near Extra Expresso."

"Extra Expresso?" He asks, "The fuck is that?"

"Ugh, it's new!"

"Are you close to your apartment?"

"No!" I shout into the phone, "Since when was my apartment close to the middle of the city!"

"Watch it," he growls.

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