Ch. 4 - Toxic Conversations

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I opened my eyes slowly, only to be greeted by the uncomfortable sight of a cheap motel room. Dull yellow wallpaper peeling at the edges and a dim light flickering above me. My head pounded and my body ached, reminding me of the events that had unfolded just hours earlier. I had fallen asleep in the car, the adrenaline wearing off, and now the reality of my situation was sinking in.

A groan escaped my lips as I attempted to sit up, only to wince in pain as my left leg throbbed. I glanced down and sighed at the sight of the blood-stained white bandages wrapped tightly around my wounded limb. The memories returned slowly, and I cringed at the more I remembered. A souvenir from my encounter with Ares, one of the powerful and dangerous Villain of the District.

"Oh, you're finally awake!" Puffy's soothing voice floated into the room as she walked in, a food tray in her hands. "I thought you might need something to eat after all the excitement, Wilbur. How's your leg feeling?"

I forced a smile, though the worry still gnawed at the back of my mind. "It hurts, but I'll survive. Thanks for bandaging it up, Puffy." I don't know why I'm being nice to her. I should be angry at her.

Actually, no. She did nothing wrong. I need to be mad at Alex. That fucking bastard.

Puffy's face softened with concern as she set the tray on the small table. "You're welcome, Wilbur. I couldn't just leave you bleeding, now could I? When you passed out, you scared me half to death."

"I passed out? I'm pretty sure I just fell asleep." I fidget with my fingers, unsure of what to do moving forward.

"No matter what we did, you wouldn't wake up. Quackity was really worried about you."

"Alex?" I bite out, "That bastard couldn't give a shit about me! He sent me there knowing full well I could've died!"

She lifted a shoulder, "No need to get mad at me. I'm just telling you what I saw. You busted your leg. How did it happen?" She masterfully changes the subject.

Just as we were about to continue our conversation, the sound of footsteps echoed in the room. Alex walked in, smirking. "Well, well, look who decided to join the land of the living."

My eyes narrowed at him, anger bubbling inside me. "You! This is all your fault, you know? Breaking into the Syndicate's house and risking my life! What were you thinking?"

Alex rolled his eyes, his sarcastic tone dripping with annoyance. "Oh please, Wilbur. You act as if I forced you at gunpoint; well, maybe I held your little girlfriend at it. You're lucky I even bothered to save you from Ares."

I gritted my teeth, struggling to control my rising temper. "Save me? You nearly got me killed! I was foolish enough to even go near you again!"

Pushing off the couch, I attempted to storm out of the room, only to be stopped in my tracks as Alex grabbed my arm. "Careful there, Wilbur," he said coldly, accidentally brushing his fingers against my injured leg and causing me to yelp in pain. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you," Alex apologized, concern flashing in his eyes. "Are you okay?"

Puffy immediately jumped to my defense. "Leave him alone, Alex! Can't you see he's in pain? Give the poor guy a break."

Alex sighed, releasing his grip on me. "Fine, whatever. Just... be careful, Wilbur. We're in this together, like it or not."

My gaze met Alex's, mixed emotions swirling within me. I knew I should act calmly and use my head, but right now, it's hard to see past the anger and frustration. "I won't continue breaking into the Syndicate's house," I declared, "I've had enough of this. I won't risk my life for your stupid games. If you even think of coming anywhere near me or Sally, I'll blow your brains out. It's a promise!"

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