The end of ghosts face

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Sam and Liam were trying to help Tara but had problems do to slippery blood Lana sees quin as she goes to shoot but her gun was empty as Ethan slashes at Tara from under her"I always wanted to stick something in you Tara"he laughs.

Quinn slides her knife against the rail walking slowly towards them. Danny looks at his wife as she grabs her face gently"protect our kids I love you "he says before giving her one last passionate kiss before charging at Quinn talking the bitch into the wall as they fight against one another.

Lana watches with tears hopeing he will be okay before glaring at Ethan as she looks around her before throwing random shit at him as Liam and Sam try to pull Tara up.

"Ahhh!"she hears Danny scream making her look up as her heart Brooke as he was pinned against the rail as Quinn had stabbed him in the chest as she digs it deeper "you fuckin bitch!"she yells running forward in slow motion as quin yanks out the knife kicking Danny over the rail as Lana gasp with tears before running over the rail seeing Danny on the ground blood pooling around his head as he stares at the ceiling blankly as she cry's her heart out.

Quinn laughed "another down more to go"she says as Lana glare sat her with tears "Lana catch!"Sam yells as she turns seeing Sam tossing her the gun while Liam holds Taras hand as she catches it cocking it as she points it right at Quinn shooting her in the head as Bailey watches his daughter falls to the ground dead with a bullet hole in her head.

"Liam you have to let me go I'll be alright I promise"Tara says as she and Sam share a look as sam had gave her a knife before Liam nods letting her go as Tara turns mid turn as she was stabbed in the gut as Ethan laughed before she stabs him through the mouth as blood slides down"this for us and die a fuckin virgin"she spat turning the knife before yanking it out as blood splatters on her as ethan falls dead.

Lana and Sam stand side to side"well look at that all your kids are now dead just like your pathetic son Richie asshole"she spat going to shoot the sheriff but the gun was out of bullet's as he screamed charging at them as they break through the rail falling down below as they crash through a glass case out cold.

Lana groans waking up her clothes covered in blood as she rolls onto her side as she sees her husband's body as she groans getting onto her hands and knees as she slowly crawls over as she cry's giving him one last kiss"I'll get revenge for you and our daughter faith baby I promise"she sniffles before closing his eyes.

Sam groans waking up as Lana looks over as they look at one another before looking up at the stage with all the ghost face customs it was time to end this once and for all.

Lana stumbled up the steps as she walks over to Mickey's old ghost face custome as she puts it on she never would have thought this would ever happen as she puts on the mask as Sam puts on her father's as they hide.

Sheriff Bailey wakes up with a grown as Ritchie film still plays but doesn't see Lana ,Sam or the others in sight as he groans getting up to his feet his face cut up from the glass as he looks around pulling his spear gun out of his shoes cocking it before his phone starts ringing as he pulls out his cellphone it was sam as he answered it.

"Hello detective baliey we've got one question for you "the killer says.

"Oh yeah what's that"sheriff baliey says as she slowly walks towards the stage as he walks up the stage"what's your favorite scary movie "the killer asked as a close up of ghost face was projected on the shredded white curtains.

He laughs "please scary movie"he says looking through the curtain as he walks through as the mannequins are shown two of the costumes were missing.

"We're asking because your in one now your in our movie"the killer says as he shoots one of the mannequins before shooting another one as he looks around before seeing Billy Loomis and Mickey altteris customs gone"I see you put on your true face Sam your birthright and Lana I'm surprised you would dress up as one"he says looking around.

"Well when one is pushed far enough they will do anything for the revenge of a loved one isn't that why y'all did this sheriff Bailey "the killer says with a chuckle.

"It's poetic that both of you are gonna die in them"he says as two shadows move past the curtains as he looks around"this is what you wanted isn't it "the killer says as he shoots another mannequin "now you know the truth huh murders in your blood stop fucking around and show y'all's self!"he yells into the phone as he looks around breathing heavily as two sinister laughs can be heard"carefully what you wish four"the killers say at once.

"I am a fuckin police officer how do y'all think this is gonna go Sam and Lana who do you think they are gonna believe!"he shouts when the video shows of a mask burning with the sound of fire"probably the ones who are still alive"the killer says as they appear behind the curtain with as they rush at baliey who turns around as they both stab him all over repeatedly taking all there anger out of him as he screamed in agony as he falls to his knees as the two take of there masks as he bleeds heavily as Tara and Liam walk out as baliey holds his neck bleeding.

"My father was a murderer no matter what you think I'm nothing like him I'm better then that"Sam says before turning to Lana giving her a nod as Lana looks at baliey with a cold look"you took away my husband and my young daughter and you fucked with the wrong people let this be the end of fucking ghost face and a warning to anyone who ever wants to bring him back"she spat before stabbing him in eye before dragging it down cutting his face open as he falls to the grounds dead.

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