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Lana ,Danny and there kids with the others wait at the bottom floor of the apartment building when Sam's boyfriend danni runs up to the door still in the same clothes from yesterday as he opens the door breathing heavily as he jogs up to them.

"I got here as fast as I could"he says panting.

"Did you "Tara asked.

"I'm scared you guys I really don't want to get hurt again"Mindy says as Chad comforts his twin.

"So what do we do now"Chad asked.

"Maybe he gets what he wants he wants to punish me. Me so maybe I let him ill just give my self over"Sam says getting up as they all look at her.

Lana stands up"no sam this fucker isn't getting a damn thing I'm not gonna let anyone else get hurt so we're gonna come up with a plan to end all this once and for all"she says as they all share looks.

So the plan was to lure the killer to the theater we're Kirby and sheriff baliey will take him down as they were all shown waiting down in the subway station as most ignor Ethan's rambling as he was getting annoying.

Soon the sun train arrives as they get on but do to the over crowd they get separated from Ethan, Mindy, beathany and Seth as the doors closed as Lana rushed forward smacking on the windows as the bus leaves "no!"she says worried as Danny holds his wife as they were worried for them.

"Now we have to wait for the next train"Bethany says as Seth nods his head while Mindy stays as far away from Ethan still having a suspicious feeling about him.

Lana and the others on the moving train were crowded as they stay huddled in the middle as the train continues forward as lights flicker.

"They're okay they are with Ethan she said they will meet us there"Chad says looking at his phone as he puts his phone away.

"This is a South ferry bound local one train next stop is 79th street"was heard before Chad looks up with dread"shit"he says.

"What"Liam asked.

"That's what bro"faith says to her brother as they all look forward amongst the people in customes they see many ghosts face.

"How many stops do we have"Tara asked as Sam looks at a map on the wall"ten"she says as they all share looks before starring at all tye Ghost faces as the lights flicker.

Mindy was shown on a train as she leans against a wall seeing multiple ghosts faces as Ethan was by him self "guys I see a lot of ghosts faces"Mindy says as Bethany and Seth look around.

"This is 79th street"as the others were shown as people were getting off as a ghost face was staring right at them standing a few steps away before it disappears just as the doors closed.

Bethany sets with Seth on a bench having been sperated from Mindy as the train was crowded "I can't get a signal down here to txt mom and dad"she says holding her phone as she lost signal.

Seth pulls out his phone seeing he has no signal "me either"he says as Ethan stares at them from were he stands holding on to a pole.

Mindy sighs when she gets no service before jumping when ghost face pops up beside her as they laugh "sorry"as she walks more into the back as she leans against the vey back wall of the train.

"Still nothing from Mindy"Chad says.

"The sun way tunnels sometimes block out signals it gets aggravating"Lana says holding onto the pole as the train stops at 72nd street as people gets off before a ghostface was shown standing in the crowd as they move forward "guys"Sam says as they see it.

Danni, Lana and Danny stand in front of the teens with glares before the ghostface gets off the train making them relax a little as the doors closed before the train heads to its next stop.

Mindy leans against the back of the train as she looks around as people were in customs while others can be seen asleep she sees a ghostface not that far as they sit on a bench with there head down as the lights flicker before they come back on showing ghosts face looking right at her before the lights flicker again as she was breathing heavily before the lights come back on showing them now standing up still stareing at her each time the lights flicker they get closer before the come back on showing them gone as she looked before the lights flicker again but this time when the come back on they are right on front of her as she gasp with a jump as they cover her mouth as the stab her in the side as her scream was muffled.

Seth looks around "wait where's Mindy"he says as he and his sister stand up looking around as they push through people as the train stops before seeing her bleeding out on the ground with Ethan kneeling beside her"shit!"Seth says as they rush over to help as they work together to get her off the train.

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