Frat party

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Lana was walking home from a long day at work as she holds her coat close before seeing flashing lights as she furrowed her eyebrows "Mrs Lana"a voice calls out as she turns to see Sam.

"Hey Sam what's going on"she asked as they Walk together you see they live in the same building Lana lives in an apartment above Sam's. Sam shakes her head "I don't know I just came from my therapist appointment"Sam says as they Walk to there building.

Lana had a bad feeling before shaking her head as she walks in the stairs to her apartment as she takes her keys out as she unlocks the door before walking in"I'm home"she says as Danny walks over to his wife as he greets her with a kiss"just in time I made dinner"he says.

Before her phone ring making her close her eyes "hold on "she says before pulling her phone out of her apron as she sees it's Liam calling her as she answers"hey son how's college going"she says as Danny helps her take her coat off showing her waitress outfit.

"It's going good right now I'm at a frat party which is annoying by the way but Tara had snook off and here she is me, Mindy , faith and Chad are keeping an eye on her but could you tell Sam"Liam says as she can here the loud music from the party as she sighs.

"Yeah I will and make sure nothing happens to your sister"Lana says before saying bye to her son before looking up at Danny"now how about that dinner"she says before they were shown at a table eating a pasta dinner.

A frat house was shown filled with people in costumes as music was blareing as Liam who wore a grey t shirt with a flannel and jeans with combat boots as he keeps an eye on his sister faith and tara. Faith who was dressed as a vampire as she smiles with her fangs as fake blood was on her chin as she dances with Tara who was dressed as a pirate as they laugh he can tell Tara was drunk.

Mindy was sitting on a couch with her girlfriend Anika Mindy didn't dress up as she wore a regular orange top with pants and tennis shoes while Anika had on makeup with a pumpkin hat with a knife attached to the side as she wore a jack o lantern spaghetti halter top with jeans and boots as Mindy watches as someone in a gold and green ghost face mask dance with a girl.

"It doesn't bother you being at a house party after you were almost brutally murdered at a house party"Anika asked.

Mindy sighs leaning back into the couch"no I think of it like being struck by lightning the odds of it happening twice to the same person our extremely low"she says.

Anika nods her head"ah guess I should stay close to you then "she says as Mindy smile touching her leg before the two see a stumbling Tara who was drunk with a frat dude Anika quickly walks over"hey you want to call it a night"Anika asked Tara.

"No uh...I think I'm actually still gonna hang but you guys don't have to wait for me"tara says with a smile.

"Don't worry I'll take care of her I'm Frankie "the frat boy says with a smile.

"And I'm completely interested in knowing anything about you"Anika says before Frankie and Tara walk off. Liam pushes his way to faith who looks around worried"hey what's wrong "he says over the loud music.

"I lost Tara I can't find her"she says with worry as Liam looks around.

Els were Chad who was dressed as a shirtless cow boy was doing some weird dance with his roommate Ethan who was dressed in amore with a homemade helmet.

"Alright alright cheers man to the dynamic duo of Hortense tower third floor room 315"Chad says with a big smile as he and Ethan cheer taking shots only Ethan spits his back in his cup coughin.

"Oh man time to start making moves yeah get you out there introduce you to some girls!what about her"Chad says with a big smile as a group of girls in sexy costumes were all dancing as one looked like a sexy female Harry Potter.

"Shes gorgeous"Ethan says.

"Great ask her out"Chad says.

Ethan shook his head "no I can't"he says.

"Ask her out ask her out"Chad chants with a smile.

"Shut up!"Ethan laughs.

"Got to have confidence plus look at you man! Your a snack! Practically an entire meal all on your own your Ethan Landry"Chad says.

"Really"Ethan asked with a smile as chand rest his elbow on Ethan's shoulder"yeah.. excuse me howdy how you doing"he says making the female Harry Potter turn around as he nods his head at Ethan "my friend here he's a snack right"he asked as she fake  smiles shrugging her shoulder before turning around dancing with her friends again.

"What did that mean"Ethan asked.

"No it's good it's not bad there's room for improvement"Chad says with a smile before Anika walks up to him"hey big Guy your needed"she says as Chad sighs knowing it's about Tara before the two follow her.

Frankie was leading Tara up the stairs just as chad walks through the arch way"hey partner! Taras good down here"he says as ankia watches with Ethan and Mindy.

Frankie Scoffs "sorry bro I didn't catch that"he says.

"Yeah I think you did"Chad says with a chuckle.

Tara walks a step or two down"no Chad it's fine I want to"she says as Frankie steps down "yeah see Chad she wants to"he says before grabbing Tara harshly by the arm pulling her up"ow"she says falling on to he step as he tries to drag her up pissing off Chad who grabs him by the shirt "get your fucking hands off her!"he says shoving him down as the two glare at each other just as Liam and faith pushed through faith runs up to Tara as she helps her up.

"Who the hell do you think you are"Liam spat he didn't like seeing his honorary sister hurt or man handle as he stands beside Chad when suddenly Sam appears "sorry to interrupt but I'm just gonna taze you in the balls real quick"she says to Frankie before jamming a tazer against his dick as Frankie falls to the ground with a scream "don't ever lay hands on my sister"she says with a glare.

"Sam are you fucking kidding me"Tara says storming off as they all follow after her.

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