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The next morning a few police cars and an ambulance show up as Danny was getting his leg patched up as Lana was getting her head checked all she can think about was seeing a young girl filled with life killed by a sick bastard as she blocks out everything around her.

"Lana"she hears before turning to see gale weathers as she scoffs.

"Your the last person I want to talk to what the hell do you want"she says.

"Look I know what I did was wrong when I wrote my recent book but I think I found something that might help "gale says she was wearing a purple pants suit as Lana and Danny raised eyebrows sharing a look.

They all walk past a alley wall with a large ghostface painted on it with the famous words 'whats your favorite scary movie '.

"Jason and Greg were little Atlanta rich boys apparently they used fake names to rent this place"gale says as they all walk over to the entrance.

"How did you find this place"Kirby asked as she  wore black leather pants with boots and a black and white top with a leather jacket.

"It's called investigative journalism for a reason how didn't you find it weren't you tracking them"gale says as Lana watches the two go back women go back and forth as before gale used a key card to open the door before they all walked inside u to an old entry bar gate with flashlights as gale unlocked it with a key card as she opens it with a loud creak.

They step into what looked like an old theater with boxes and stuff lying around.

"What is this place what's with all the security"Sam asked as gale walks over to the power box as she turns on the lights.

"It looks like an old movie theater by the looks of it"Lana says looking around.

"It's not just a theater it's a shrine "gale says as they walk through an entrance as a curtain on stage was slowly rising showing 9 ghost face customs as Lana slowly walks forward blocking everything out around her as she looks around seeing everything from 1996 to 2022 to each massacre and victims.

She sees two mannequins wearing Caseys and Steve's bloody clothes with duct tape wrapped around the lower half of the face of Steve's they wore the night they were killed with a glass vase filled with drawings of them and how they died by a knife with dry blood as tears filled her eyes.

She turns seeing drawings of her and Sidney when there were in college with a black shirt with the Windsor college logo. Next was a half burnt house phone from Casey's house when the popcorn had caught fire to billy and stus bloody clothes getting flashes back of they smiling darkly.

She then sees Tatums bloody clothes as flashes of Sidney and her finding her dead body hanging from the garage door with her head through the cat door as she blinks her eyes as she sees a case with stab survivors from Hollywood to Randy's work to shirt from the old video store before seeing her brothers bloody clothes as she slowly walks over to it as it was right next to Deweys in one large case.

She sees the knife they were stabbed in with drawings of there deaths flashing back to her crying over there body's as she backs away from the case.

"Honey are you okay"Danny asked worried as his wife's shoulders shake as she shakes her head"I can't I can't do this"she cry's before running out the room as her kids share worried looks knowing how this was effecting her.

Danny finds her sitting against a wall as she sobs into her knees as he sits by her pulling her into his arms"this all is gonna end once and for all"he says rubbing her shoulders as she sobs into his arms as they sit there.

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