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The rule of the trial is to compete for a weapon that can break the glass standing at the end of each of our line. The glass is as far as two hundred yards and it doesn't look like a normal glass. The dome is as big as three-fourth of the football field but they still decided to use half of it. I wonder what they are covering for on the other side. Could it be related to the next trial?

"In 3..."

A computerized voice started counting.



Both the man and woman I was classified with started running to fight over something in the middle of the vicinity where things are scattered and I stood there watching them going for each other's throat.

This is the freaking trial everyone is getting worried at failing?

I watched as the two of them rolling on the floor, punching, and flipping each other just for a power hammer. You've got to be freaking kidding me. I walked to where the other objects are and forgotten the two killing each other. I don't want to trouble myself and inconvenient others so maybe I can just choose other weapons.

I sighed when I saw all the useless materials someone could use to try and break a glass. A pickaxe, really? And a toy smasher? I heard a loud gasped from the crowd and looked back to see the power hammer flew on the bench but was sent back.

Curtain of Hestia.

The very thing reminded me of the white-bearded old man.


Last Day of Induction

Mad dog cannot hold back his laugh anymore while the other men stood there aghast and bewildered. Their eyes focused on a woman wearing a university jacket and blue jeans dismissive of the first trial. She stood there looking down at the materials as if in a store and about to buy something.

The higher officials on the other hand didn't react and was watching like it was normal for someone to behave uninterested and unchallenged of the trial. Surely, the first trial is a test of wit and mentality but to look dismay about it is one thing.

"Who the fuck arranged this trial?" Derrick  contested looking disappointed and about to throw a fit.

"I did" Captain Luke didn't hesitate to answer truthfully.

"It's unique" the vice-captain replied without delay and nod to himself yet still questions in his mind.

"This is practically a kid's play" another man wearing an office garb stepped in the observation room and  started watching everything unveils. The room goes silent for a moment and Carter decided to break the silence.

"I'm confused why all of you are here"

The man who just entered the room smirked and said, "It's fine. Just stay confused" he tapped the glass in front of him and walked back to the door. "I just came to check"

Suddenly, a loud and violent smashed was heard. Stopping on his feet, the man wearing garb stopped walking and turned back his head to probe on the sound.

One of the three transparent glass was smashed into pieces and there stood in front of it a petite woman unsullied from the impact. Everyone gone silent and voices started resounding  in the hall as if bees escaped and fly around. Mad dog started clapping and cheering inside the glass even the person he was commending for won't be able to hear any sound from the observation room.

Inside the same room, Captain Luke observed the woman for a second and tried to appraise her Will energy but it was futile.

His eyes doesn't lie to him and he was never wrong.

This one has only an average amount of Will energy in her but how was she able to break the glass? It was supposed to result in a team work but the woman decided to do the task and complete it alone.

He felt in that moment that something is wrong.

"What's her name?" The latter man in the room asked while his eyes still looking at down the trial.

"What was it?" Derrick asked to himself trying to recall the name.

"Diane. Diane Valencia" Captain Luke replied, clicking his tongue and recalled the name over and over in his head as if trying to recognize the woman. She's too familiar but he can't fathom where they met. The worst thing was that he felt deviated from the feeling like it was not his in the first place.

"This is getting interesting but I need to leave. All Vice-captains are being summoned" Derrick looked at his phone and to Carter who busily watched the trial. "Carter" he called to him and the latter had no choice but to follow Derrick out of the room.

The man wearing the a garb also followed them after hearing the name of the woman who broke the narrowed glass.

He smiled at himself unknowingly.

"It looks like the list is going to be upside down this year" the mad dog declared standing a few feet beside Luke who still has his eyes on the trial.

"Does it even matter?"
Luke answered as the only person with him in the observation room.

"It matters" Mad dog laughed. "Because beside destruction, you're the only other one who broke that glass"

The captain looked at the amused mad dog but turned away immediately.

Mad dog is right. For the past years, no one has ever broke the fortification glass single handedly. Being able to do that, it only means that the woman he was looking at is one of the primordials. However, her Will Energy doesn't explain it all.

Could it be that she cheated?

The Captain glanced away from the trial and quickly moved his feet out of the observation room. Mad dog just stared at him leaving the room, still amused and entertained.


Last Day of Induction.

I straightened my arm and fixed myself after breaking the glass. I was not planning to do this but I had no choice. I left the glass premises and walked over the glass shards on the ground. The other two stared at me passing them before they decided to try and smash their own glasses with their bare hands.

In the middle of the trial station, suddenly, a few inheritor militants entered and cornered my path. I stood in front of them without asking any questions why am I being at bay.

"I apologize Ms. Diane Valencia but we would like to conduct an inspection first"

Inspect me?


The same guy who spoke earlier stepped in front of me.
"I apologize but we needed to conduct a search on you"

"Is that so?" My eyes drifted down on the floor and back at the militants.
"Why should I go through a search?"

"It's a protocol. Implemented when needed"

A man who looked only a few years older than me showed up walking majestically as if he owns the place. His energy dispersed inside the trial station. I stared at him and gave a small smile but he only looked at me expressionless. His eyes written suspicion of me.

There you are, I said to myself and smiled widely.

"It's so hard to get you down there. I'm tired of looking up" I said and he stared down at me, confused.

Wrath. A voice in me proclaimed when I felt his domineering energy and smelled the scent of his will.


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