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My breath heavy from running.


And running.

My eyes tearing as I cried for help. The image of my death visits my mind every time I catch my breath. It's as if the meaning of life was nothing but a fiction of one's mind. Is this death? I have called anyone loosing my voice but no one came. Now the sun is setting, the forest began to get darker as the rays of it left the Earth's plate.

The idea that we only humans are the only specie in this universe that exists is undeniably as scary as the idea that we are not the only ones. Pale aliens walking with two legs and big eyes were not the invaders but monsters coming out of a red mist that appeared anywhere in the world. The first contact that could be the last of humanity's.

At first, it was thought to be a conspiracy. A method of the governments to instill fear and manipulate the society. Digital evidences were dragged to be an alteration brought by the rising of artificial intelligence. A few days of doubts and a few lives taken. When everyone realized and witnessed it, the world turned upside down as if every history this world has became a jest. The populated area was first to be ravaged by monsters in any form you could imagine which only goals are to scorch and exterminate.

As if God heard the cries of the innocents, saviours came. They are not earthly people and no one knows where they came from. Most of them appeared rugged wearing dusty capes and holding weapons no one have seen before. But they didn't last. When the first wave of monsters appeared, they fought and disappeared after. None of the civilians saw them again. It was said that they became ashes for they are not of this world. It's as if everyone woke up one day and the world is already ending.

If I didn't left the house today, I would not be running away from a predator with bruises and cuts in my body. A mere 19 years old like me can do nothing against a 10 feet tall snake woman which scale as dark as my hair and fangs, the sharpest among I've seen in my life. Its eyes as dark as it's scales and slithering along the mud and grasses in the woods.

I have been apologizing to myself and my family I decided to ran away from. I was mad. I was furious. Our life began to break because of everything that was happening around. Our village so small haven't encountered any of the monsters yet. We hid inside our houses as if there was an epidemic spreading. As if anytime, something deadly will fall on your head outside. When the authority decided to lift a little adjustments months after of peace, we were given back our freedom.

I heard another growl and slithering sound as I hid behind a huge tree, trying to squeeze myself between its roots. A wail is trying to escape my mouth as fear crept in my body hearing the sound on the other side. I covered my mouth with my hands and tried to hold my breath while my teeth digging my bottom lip unaware that it already started bleeding from my attempt to stay silent as I can.


My body jolts from the sound responding with fear of being caught. The snake woman sounded aggravating after loosing its prey. I heard the sound of trees taken down and twigs breaking. I held my breath and tried to take a peek. As if it felt my presence, the snake woman immediately turned to my direction and met my eyes even I instantly hid again. I heard a loud sound like a cry or laugh mocking me. I outright ran for my life and heard the monster took charge and kept making the same sound.

I am running again.

But not because I was mad but because I am afraid. Afraid that I might never see the people I care for again and won't be able to apologize for everything I said before I left. I glanced at my back seeing the snake woman about to reach me with her sharp claws and as if my body knew it, I dodged stepping on a stone that had me rolling down on a slope. My back hit a tree when I reached the bottom. I winced in pain and felt my legs going numb.

This is it.

This is where I die.

I haven't done anything important in my life yet!

I want to live.

"I'm sorry" I whispered to myself unable to hold back my tears anymore. I pulled my leg together trying make it move but there was nothing. It already gave up.

The monster slithered down the way I fell down, slowly, as if trying to savor the moment. It kept its eyes on me and its fangs showing, ready, and salivating seeing its prey crawling on the ground surrounded by dried leaves. It reached for my neck more than anything and threw me against a rock three times larger than my size. I screamed knowing I now have broken bones and my back contacting a stilled rock making me feel the worst pain I have ever felt in my life.

Accepting defeat and my end, I stared at the monster while I laid on the solid ground about to go lifeless and bleeding in any part of my body. My limbs are intact and my mind are not. Waiting for my life to flash before my eyes, I saw a glimpse of hope. A light coming from far away I tried to focus looking at. Then I heard a clear voice from the only light I saw as darkness engulfed the whole forest. And me.

"Don't die yet, child. You are still to receive my will"


Welcome readers! Hope you enjoyed chapter 1! Sorry for the short starting chapter :(. I am a wordless and lazy writer. Lol. But I'll write longer chapters next update. I apologize for any grammatical or spelling errors✌️

May you choose the fate that encompasses your will!

The Will of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now