All the racers are now waiting for the signal to go. "I don't know, guys, if we're going to save the dojo, we're gonna have to beat some pretty stiff competition." Kai says, him being at the top of the Ninja Tank. "One final word, let's have a good clean race!" The first host says. But while the guys were checking over equipment inside the tank, (Y/N)'s powers flare up. She opens the cover and jumps out of her seat. "(Y/N)!" Cole calls out to her but she ignores him as she sees two boys from Darkley's try to sabotage them, "Hey!" She yells and they jump dropping the screwdriver they were using to unscrew one of the parts of wheels.

She growls in frustration but hops down, grabs the screwdriver and screws the screw back in as quickly as she can. "So good luck to everyone." The first host says right as the screen displays a traffic light. The first lights up red and all the competitors ready as they are good to go. However, in her hurry, (Y/N) dropped the tool and growls in frustration but then quickly calms herself and picks up the tool, resuming in fixing the screw. The second light lights sup yellow. "On your mark. Get set." "(Y/N)!" "Got it!" Jay cries out to (Y/N), right as she finishes tightening the screw. "Ninjaball...gooooooo!!!!" The first host exclaims as the other racers take off. "Come on, boy! Whoa, whoa!" Lloyd says then yelps a little as Ultra takes off. (Y/N) hops in and takes her seat between Cole and Jay. "Nice catch-" "Shut up and drive!!" (Y/N) exclaims, Jay shutting up and the Ninja Tank taking off. "(Y/N), are you alright?" Zane asks her. (Y/N) takes a few deep breaths, "Yeah. Yeah. Sorry, Jay." She apologizes. "It's cool. Are you still upset about yesterday?" He asks her. "Kind of." She sighs. "Well, you can use that to crush the competition." Cole says to her, the Ninja Tank accelerating as they catch up with the other racers.

Meanwhile, Ed and Edna had made it to the front while the other racers try to pass them. "Whoa! No!" Though, Lloyd was having difficulty as Ultra took a wrong turn. "Wrong way! Oh, we're going the wrong way!" He says, trying to get Ultra back in the race.

Garmadon's P.O.V.

Well, despite some setbacks, this one will work. "Now that the dojo will be destroyed, we'll crush them before Lloyd ever becomes a true ninja." I tell some snakes while we are in the bridge. "We are here live at the Fourteenth Annual Ninjaball Run, where it looks like after an almost sabotage, the Ninja are still in the race. They currently in last place after having a delayed start, they are going to have to push past their limits to get that massive cash prize." I look at a screen as it shows the Ninja racing and then a trophy filled with money. Of course.

I hold my head in frustration. "They're trying to save the dojo? Will they ever quit?" I say out loud. "Argh! Set sail for the race at once. We can't let them win." I command. I will not lose again.

Third Person P.O.V.

The race continues as the racers near Crashcourse Canyon. Ed and Edna smile at one another as Ed presses a button and the inflatable balls on the wheels detach, racers behind them move to avoid them. Ed then flips a switch in which spikes appear on the wheels right as they enter the canyon. Some racers try to eliminate the competition, such as the pirates trying to fire at the boys from Darkley's but get rammed instead. "Treachery, me lads! Let'em have it!" Captain Soto exclaims as they then ram into the bud of the Darkley's boys. The boys retaliate but then they notice that they are about to enter the canyon. "Uh-oh. Argh!" Brad grunts as he rams into the pirates van. They end up crashing into the wall, dust flying from the impact. "Ouchy-mama! Pirates are out of the race." The first host says as he and the crowd watch.

"Why do I let you drive? Argh!" Soto yells in frustration as the two eyepatch-wearing pirate sits in the driver seat unfazed. "So long~ Adieu~ You're wrecked and lookin blue~ So here's a song and here is a tune~" The Royal Blacksmiths sing along and the driver sings along as they pass the pirates and enter the canyon. "Avast ye scurvy knaves! I'll get you for this!" Soto shouts as other vehicles pass him. While the No-Eye Pete walks around with his hands in front of him. "Squawk! Left. No, your other left!" The parrot squawks as the Ninja Tanks drives by, barely missing No-Eye Pete. "Arghh! Unh." He spins for a bit then falls onto his back.

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